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bell nexia


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bell rolled out its optical fibre in my neighbourhood last autumn. ever since, i have been badgered by pairs of sales personnel at my door and flyers in my mailbox to switch to bell fibre from my provider (assumed by sales personnel to be videotron). in fact, my provider for the last 15+ years has been vif internet (vif.com), a bell wholesaler/reseller for copper wire adsl. i am satisfied with their service and very happy with their support, which must be the best anywhere. 5mb/s (now a little more) is good enough for me. but i'm not getting that any more -- not in the evenings. in fact, from maybe 6pm to 10pm, testmynet results are no more than 3mb/s and frequently no more than 1mb/s.


i believe that i have ruled out connection problems and the possibility that vif has load balancing problems in peak hours. i strongly suspect that bell (through its affiliate bell nexia) is limiting bandwidth to copper wire dry loop customers in my area in order to persuade them to switch. is this crazy? if not, how can i prove it? first post. thx.

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