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How Much Should a DSL Signal Vary in a 24-Hour Period?


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I have been having a long term connection problem with my ATT connection.  At first, we were on the standard DLS, then after having so many connection outages, we upgraded to U-Verse, which was a little better, but we still could not stream much of anything, even with a direct wired connection to the modem.  We upgraded to a faster U-Verse connection (18 MBS).  Until a tech would arrive, we never tested at 18 MBS.  The highest we tested was 17.4 MBS, but averaged 4 MBS and still could not stream most of the time without out interruptions.   


The house was rewired with new Cat 5 cable and the modem replaced 3 times.  Finally, were lowered to 12 MBS service, but still have signal problems.  In the last 4 days I have run 66 tests (and counting) with signal strengths running between 638 KBS to 31.8 MBS.  The average of all of the tests is 4.14 MBS.


My signal has very high peaks and very low points in the course of just a few minutes or seconds.  ATT says my line has no errors.   How much does a decent signal vary in speed?  I am trying to work with the ISP, but they keep telling me everything is fine, but at times it is difficult to download email.  Tests usually include  a high middle variance “ Your speed had a 123% middle variance”


TiP Summary - Minimum :: 1.06 Mbps | Middle :: 2.56 Mbps | Maximum :: 5.63 Mbps



Edited by mudmanc4
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Why did the throughput get lowered, was this your decision or intervention such as a suggestion by the ISP?


There is obviously an issue, if your getting the same results after rewiring inside the residence, several different modems, and plans, the ISP should be well aware, and working to either resolve the issue, or at the very least inform you of the situation.


Is this connection inside or outside of what could be considered a heavily populated area?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am 5700 feet from the fiber connection (VARD?) on a copper pair.  Based on the ISP's data, we were at 98% if the available signal with no buffer with the 18 MBS service  They suggested lowering to 12 MBS and provide additional buffer. Now we are running at about 70% of the buffer.   Our signal strength runs around 65 db.    Based on their equipment, my line shows no or very few errors, but they acknowledge a problem.   The strange thing is that just before a technician arrives, the speed goes up to or above what I pay for, a couple of hours after they leave back to almost nothing.  Since I downgraded to 12 MBS, I have been averaging 6.4 MBS just started using TMN on December 5th.  Prior to that I was using ATT Speedtest and Ookla I have not yet inserted those results in the the attached spreadsheet.


The phone cable down our road has numerous splice boxes and various wires hanging off the main cable, it also passes through hundreds of trees and is some places is supported by the branches.  This is the same cable was in place when we moved here 36 years ago.    The lineman that came out found a bad connection (loose and corroded) in the splice box at our drop, which he fixed.  They can't tell me that the condition of the cable does not affect the service.


Civrel-testmy.net-stats Decmber 5 to December 22.pdf

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