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Frank Kelm

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  1. Like
    Frank Kelm got a reaction from Sean in Upload speed drops during 'evening' hours   
    Sean, Called Mediacom and got a tech in NY.  Looked at my account and took less than a minute to see that it was a hardware issue on their side.
    Cable guy came and tested the outdoor tap, checked my equipment and confirmed it was outside issue.
    Now to see if they can locate and repair. 
  2. Like
    Frank Kelm got a reaction from Sean in Upload speed drops during 'evening' hours   
    After two weeks of working on this, the final piece of the puzzle turned out to be the green box in my yard.  This one sits between the sidewalk and the curb.  As such it has taken several hits from the snow plows over the years.  The entire box and its base was loose and able to rock back and forth.  This apparently caused some sort of break in the connection.  They dug the base up and replaced it.  reinstalled the box and packed the soil in around it.  Now I'm running at full speed 24/7.  Good job by Mediacom in resolving this issue.
  3. Like
    Frank Kelm got a reaction from CA3LE in Upload speed drops during 'evening' hours   
    After two weeks of working on this, the final piece of the puzzle turned out to be the green box in my yard.  This one sits between the sidewalk and the curb.  As such it has taken several hits from the snow plows over the years.  The entire box and its base was loose and able to rock back and forth.  This apparently caused some sort of break in the connection.  They dug the base up and replaced it.  reinstalled the box and packed the soil in around it.  Now I'm running at full speed 24/7.  Good job by Mediacom in resolving this issue.
  4. Like
    Frank Kelm got a reaction from CA3LE in Upload speed drops during 'evening' hours   
    Sean, Called Mediacom and got a tech in NY.  Looked at my account and took less than a minute to see that it was a hardware issue on their side.
    Cable guy came and tested the outdoor tap, checked my equipment and confirmed it was outside issue.
    Now to see if they can locate and repair. 
  5. Like
    Frank Kelm got a reaction from Pgoodwin1 in Upload speed drops during 'evening' hours   
    Sean, Called Mediacom and got a tech in NY.  Looked at my account and took less than a minute to see that it was a hardware issue on their side.
    Cable guy came and tested the outdoor tap, checked my equipment and confirmed it was outside issue.
    Now to see if they can locate and repair. 
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