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Think About It!!

tommie gorman

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Maybe I'm just confused - It sure seems like our liberal, far left, Media coverage of this Presidential election is ignorant of some really pertinent facts about the Democratic Party's esteemed nominee. This man's background has hardly raised a liberal eyebrow since he came on the Presidential political scene astounding everyone with his eloquent use of the word change.


His biological father was a Kenyan Muslim. We've all seen pictures of his African family.

His mother is from Kansas, a professed Atheist, and White. It sure makes for a convenient play of which race is beneficial to claim in an election.

His biological father abandoned his family and moved back to Africa when Obama was a small child. This fact would not make me proud of my father's heritage. The father rejoined his African family and apparently was not very proud of his white, "middle American" family.

He was born out of wedlock, illegitimately, thereby negating any Democratic Party criticism of Sarah Palin's daughter's plight After all, the Democratic Party is not famous for their religious and moral ethics anyway.(Pro-Abortion activists, gay rights advocates, supporters of the gay and lesbian life-styles, pro-gay marriage, and anti-National Marriage amendment)

We hear very little from the candidate about the White heritage in his genetic line, almost as though it's not very beneficial at this point to expand on the White grandparents who actually raised and nurtured him in childhood.

His white "middle-American" mother, "raised in the Heartland with middle-American values" then married an Indonesian Muslim and took him to Jakarta where he was first schooled in a Muslim school that believes God is Allah, and Mohammed was the Great Prophet. (sure sounds like "Middle American values to me)

His white mother then moved to Hawaii.

Somehow he becomes suddenly affluent enough to be sent to high-dollar Prep schools in America.

He then gets into a top ivy-league College. (Yale, requiring expensive tuition)

He attends Harvard Law School and the question is this: How does a child from a broken home have the kind of money it takes to get that kind of education. Who paid for all of that? Someone, somewhere paid a lot of money to educate this man for Civic service.

He lives in a $1.4 million dollar house that he "acquired" on a Senator's salary through a "deal" with a wealthy fund raising friend.

Right out of Harvard Law School he "worked" as a "community organizer" and civil rights activist in Chicago. They don't get paid much in this particular vocation, so apparently, he was not too concerned with getting a high-paying job to repay those astronomical school loans back.

He then entered the state-level political arena and then quickly on to the national arena. (This kind of political movement requires backing from folks that have a lot of money and "stroke" in Politics.

He has minimal experience in national politics and he's never launched any really meaningful legislation. (Many times not voting yea or nay, but simply voting present. Is that like punching a time clock and then not doing any work?)

He has no CEO experience dealing with large budgets or large employee pools.

He delivers well-spoken speeches that are written by speech-writers and gives them using teleprompters, but they are eloquent and are filled with the word "change".

He claims to be proud of his African heritage, even thought his only purported experience with it is that his African father got an American white girl pregnant out of wedlock and then abandoned her and the child to return to his beloved Africa. (sure would make the pride well up inside of me, what about you?)

I wonder if there is apparently not the same pride in the white Grandparents that raised him and why he doesn't expand more on that heritage? Could it be that it's not politically expedient as America just may be looking for it's first African-American president?

His wife stated that for the first time she is proud of America, because of her husband's race for President. How far would a white candidate get if his wife made this same statement about her national patriotism? Do we really want a first-lady that feels that way? Not to have ever recognized America's greatness and the freedoms it's brought to the World indicates a total ignorance of what Americans' sacrifices have meant in the World Wars and conflicts we've resolved in the World. (not to mention America's staggering foreign aid budget to countries abroad) It's called national pride to just be thankful for being a citizen of the greatest country in the World today.

He has been a member of a church in Chicago that has been Pastored by a Rev Jeremiah Wright, who has no problem at all preaching messages of hate towards white people, Jews, America, and the American government. Bro Wright has repeatedly blamed America for most of the problems in the world today and seldom preaches the Gospel of Jesus Christ even though it is a "Christian" church. (What kind of "fun" would the media have if a white candidate had a Pastor that preached hate for the black race?)

He says that he can separate politics from religion even though he and his wife have heard a constant diet of this "religious" teaching for over 20 yrs. He says that he can turn off the "hate" portions of a totally hate oriented message. Exceptional! He would have had to have slept through 20 yrs. of hate-oriented sermons thereby indicating a false Worship experience most Sundays. To be a member of that kind of "religion" and to expect to lead America as President is beyond all logic! It would be like a card-carrying member of the Ku Klux Klan saying he just goes to the meetings for the fish-fry! Sounds to me like in order to be the great "uniter" that his speech-writers say he is, he would need to be more "main-line" and less radical in his beliefs and who he identifies himself with. Somehow I don't trust his religious wisdom any more than his "uniting" capabilities. I certainly do not want to unite with a hate-filled venom spewing Black Minister like Wright!

He talks about the "hope" he has for America and his qualifications to make his "hope" a reality. I believe his brand of "hope" is simply defined as, ' I hope America listens to the Liberal media's ground swell of emotion and euphoria and doesn't figure out who I really am until it's too late". "Too late" meaning after the election or later when America is confronted with a situation that requires good old American courage, values and experience to be able to survive as the great, freedom-loving country that has stood the test of time through the Grace of God.

   We had all better go into this election with eyes wide open. We need to be aware that someone, somewhere has bankrolled this man's rise to national prominence. We need to wonder for what motive. Who would have an advantage by having a former Muslim from a broken home, fathered by an African Muslim as President of the USA? We are fighting a war on terror perpetrated by Muslim extremists and now we have a Presidintial candidate during war time named Barack Hussein Obama! I wonder if a former German from the third Reich would have had a chance at President during WWII?

   There is a movement afoot to bring change to America's problems at all costs. This could very well be America's undoing. While there is plenty of room for improvement in Government, I'm reminded of the ground swell in 2006 for change and America elected a Democratically controlled Congress in order to make things better. We've been going downhill ever since. Our Democratically controlled Congress has the lowest approval rating of any Congress. Even lower than George Bush. We need to quit electing Political Parties and start electing individuals that are willing to represent all of America in the hallowed halls of Congress. We certainly do not need to elect a man that has Obama's "questionable" background. There's too many red flags being raised that scream, "Check this guy out before you put his hand on the Nukes!" Think about it!

   This great United States of America was founded on Godly principles and if we want the continued blessings of the one and only Almighty God, the God of Judaeo-Christian faith, the God this country was founded on, then we had better include our God in everything we do as a country including voting for Godly moralistic people.

   What would they say about the Democratic Party's Presidential Candidate and his philosophy on Government?

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We had all better go into this election with eyes wide open. We need to be aware that someone, somewhere has bankrolled this man's rise to national prominence. We need to wonder for what motive. Who would have an advantage by having a former Muslim from a broken home, fathered by an African Muslim as President of the USA? We are fighting a war on terror perpetrated by Muslim extremists and now we have a Presidintial candidate during war time named Barack Hussein Obama! I wonder if a former German from the third Reich would have had a chance at President during WWII?

yep right thar's the scary part...yep

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