Abbottabad KP Speed Test Log













1 to 25 of 3240** for City Abbottabad KP
Speed Provider Size User ConnectID  TestID
2/23/25 3:05:47 am 6.84 Mbps 0.85 MB/sTelenor 22.8 MB949801855067 mt23dt8-I 
2/22/25 6:37:33 pm 6.24 Mbps 0.78 MB/sHazara 2.5 MB9459958377921 KDBoNbn2f 
2/22/25 6:37:24 pm 5.84 Mbps 0.73 MB/sHazara 2.5 MB9459958377921 uwEnG4zMw 
2/22/25 6:37:16 pm 1.28 Mbps 0.16 MB/sHazara 2.5 MB9459958377921 DMPBDxV-Z 
2/22/25 6:36:56 pm 6.07 Mbps 0.76 MB/sHazara 2.5 MB9459958377921 -DNKpMe2x 
2/22/25 6:36:44 pm 6.78 Mbps 0.85 MB/sHazara 2.5 MB9459958377921 RIyhh0qIv 
2/22/25 6:36:32 pm 0.88 Mbps 0.11 MB/sHazara 480 kB9459958377921 0E1Vcnf_C 
2/22/25 6:35:52 pm 6.23 Mbps 0.78 MB/sHazara 2.3 MB9459958377921 D0vJOKY0E 
2/22/25 4:00:04 pm 1.55 Mbps 0.19 MB/sEnigma 2.2 MB951533877597 V7xNbtkLS 
2/19/25 3:17:45 pm 2.69 Mbps 0.34 MB/sTelenor 2.7 MB949801850390 nyW8KxFOG 
2/19/25 3:17:25 pm 0.72 Mbps 0.09 MB/sTelenor 450 kB949801850390 -gg--_2bW 
2/19/25 7:46:06 am 1.63 Mbps 0.2 MB/sPtcl 2.2 MB186284031252 pFSGvl2mC 
2/19/25 7:44:07 am 3.18 Mbps 0.4 MB/sPtcl 2.3 MB186284031252 3WisghypJ 
2/18/25 6:39:12 am 14.92 Mbps 1.87 MB/sCyber 6.2 MB542000883180 BYY3NMAkU 
2/18/25 6:39:05 am 24.87 Mbps 3.11 MB/sCyber 25.2 MB542000883180 U-_bhe9jk 
2/18/25 12:59:49 am 2.02 Mbps 0.25 MB/sPtcl 1.3 MB109271381709 ZCZknP12x 
2/18/25 12:59:40 am 9.24 Mbps 1.16 MB/sPtcl 22 MB109271381709 uaAtvmdXZ 
2/17/25 11:57:42 am 0.28 Mbps 0.04 MB/sHazara 394 kB945995837110 h3fNv3AiT 
2/16/25 2:36:24 pm 0.35 Mbps 0.04 MB/sPtcl Dsl 256 kB16706424045326 l4_xcd-uh 
2/16/25 2:36:16 pm 6.47 Mbps 0.81 MB/sPtcl Dsl 7.4 MB16706424045326 Eg9XdJIpb 
2/16/25 2:33:36 pm 17.06 Mbps 2.13 MB/sPtcl Fiber 18.6 MB363349182077 HjixzXhPa 
2/16/25 2:33:19 pm 18.02 Mbps 2.25 MB/sPtcl Fiber 7 MB363349182077 q7NWPoeB1 
2/16/25 10:39:46 am 9.77 Mbps 1.22 MB/sCybernet 6.8 MB11262361363239 f29q4Adcb 
2/15/25 1:51:36 pm 2.29 Mbps 0.29 MB/sTelenor 2.2 MB949801850390 xxDukYIMO 
2/14/25 4:00:12 pm 4.98 Mbps 0.62 MB/sTelenor 2.6 MB949801850390 aq7VYWSQG 
** Partial Results: The most recent results have been displayed.
Graphed results calculation
Displaying Internet Speed Test results for City Abbottabad KP