Arlington HEIGHTS Speed Test Log













1 to 25 of 33530** for City Arlington HEIGHTS
Speed Provider Size User ConnectID  TestID
2/22/25 1:15:14 am 38.59 Mbps 4.82 MB/sAstound 37.9 MB189985923852 zr4rWOzRx 
2/22/25 1:14:59 am 253.67 Mbps 31.71 MB/sAstound 80.3 MB189985923852 uOtiPmw8c 
2/18/25 4:11:07 pm 25.15 Mbps 3.14 MB/sAstound 19 MB190712098185 T2GSI8A7I 
2/18/25 4:10:54 pm 86.39 Mbps 10.8 MB/sAstound 41.1 MB190712098185 2MskG3QED 
2/18/25 1:33:35 pm 28.39 Mbps 3.55 MB/sAstound 21.5 MB1899859000576 ACXESV6g5 
2/18/25 2:32:20 am 642.56 Mbps 80.32 MB/sComcast 200 MB90298940359 jvpwsMZKz 
2/17/25 1:25:07 am 5.86 Mbps 0.73 MB/sVerizon 5.7 MB91368733747564 t4N1Y2He3 
2/17/25 1:24:54 am 206.08 Mbps 25.76 MB/sVerizon 88.2 MB91368733747564 ZMoeyM-3x 
2/15/25 4:37:31 pm 742.31 Mbps 92.79 MB/sComcast 200 MB6983298504764 -tRoDBP39 
2/13/25 2:11:30 pm 26.57 Mbps 3.32 MB/sAstound 24.4 MB189985911288 42iKGMNTH 
2/11/25 7:15:06 pm 33.46 Mbps 4.18 MB/sComcast 18.8 MB698246891529 cGT7VHOtD 
2/11/25 7:14:55 pm 357.4 Mbps 44.68 MB/sComcast 200 MB698246891529 rSM4pqFZM 
2/11/25 7:11:51 pm 357.17 Mbps 44.65 MB/sComcast 200 MB698246891529 4ccgF4hKm 
2/11/25 7:09:18 pm 33.69 Mbps 4.21 MB/sComcast 18.5 MB698246891529 ciowkAQdK 
2/11/25 7:09:10 pm 340.3 Mbps 42.54 MB/sComcast 200 MB698246891529 AMfNOEuT9 
2/10/25 7:52:14 am 24.32 Mbps 3.04 MB/sAstound 18.9 MB190712098185 303rIm5NE 
2/10/25 7:51:58 am 82.92 Mbps 10.37 MB/sAstound 39 MB190712098185 g~uBe8rwN 
2/10/25 7:51:46 am 25.52 Mbps 3.19 MB/sAstound 18.5 MB190712098185 bo97AO0fP 
2/10/25 7:51:33 am 102.68 Mbps 12.84 MB/sAstound 41.1 MB190712098185 8aUajnj4L 
2/9/25 3:25:35 am 313.42 Mbps 39.18 MB/sAstound 200 MB189985923852 kwi_Hd1rH 
2/8/25 10:05:55 pm 54.12 Mbps 6.76 MB/sComcast 71.5 MB4605128480289 9Z-Vybz39 
2/8/25 10:05:34 pm 54.69 Mbps 6.84 MB/sComcast 71.5 MB4605128480289 O-MHxo0J3 
2/8/25 10:05:01 pm 102.68 Mbps 12.84 MB/sComcast 81 MB4605128480289 hJxD7Cuaq 
2/6/25 9:10:58 pm 68.45 Mbps 8.56 MB/sAstound 58.3 MB190711639021 FyqIGq8vI 
2/4/25 11:01:59 pm 9.23 Mbps 1.15 MB/sVerizon 6.1 MB42051761930527 WBKvNSFyw 
** Partial Results: The most recent results have been displayed.
Graphed results calculation
Displaying Internet Speed Test results for City Arlington HEIGHTS