Bad Langensalza T Speed Test Log













1 to 25 of 516** for City Bad Langensalza T
Speed Provider Size User ConnectID  TestID
2/12/25 3:15:48 pm 37.21 Mbps 4.65 MB/sThueringer 23.3 MB12351495692731 KeBkHzks9 
2/12/25 3:15:29 pm 100.28 Mbps 12.54 MB/sThueringer 92.1 MB12351495692731 58BN9Mbx2 
2/5/25 3:04:36 pm 24.51 Mbps 3.06 MB/sThueringer 25.4 MB28827201979909 hsIyzxYja 
2/5/25 3:04:22 pm 34.2 Mbps 4.28 MB/sThueringer 25.4 MB28827201979909 -reuhyvug 
2/5/25 3:04:13 pm 26.07 Mbps 3.26 MB/sThueringer 25.4 MB28827201979909 M4NfZc7Xo 
2/5/25 3:04:00 pm 44.11 Mbps 5.51 MB/sThueringer 25.4 MB28827201979909 CbLPyecxR 
2/5/25 2:29:44 pm 28.52 Mbps 3.56 MB/sThueringer 25.9 MB33349715854954 2KSqQdjF6 
2/5/25 2:29:21 pm 37.38 Mbps 4.67 MB/sThueringer 25.9 MB33349715854954 Foakz4bYn 
2/5/25 2:28:52 pm 27.76 Mbps 3.47 MB/sThueringer 25.3 MB33349715854954 Pv-FO7eiG 
2/5/25 2:28:37 pm 28.76 Mbps 3.59 MB/sThueringer 25.3 MB33349715854954 HKQFwVqND 
2/5/25 2:27:59 pm 34.47 Mbps 4.31 MB/sThueringer 25.3 MB33349715854954 _QgLdlf9n 
2/4/25 2:28:05 pm 37.72 Mbps 4.71 MB/sThueringer 26.2 MB8357670616 oivpAaYEP 
2/4/25 2:26:15 pm 38.13 Mbps 4.77 MB/sThueringer 78.1 MB8357670616 gMZ7j2yFP 
2/3/25 2:02:58 pm 48.27 Mbps 6.03 MB/sThueringer 60.8 MB72948921224023 1Q8Kr3-3H 
2/3/25 2:02:20 pm 8.76 Mbps 1.1 MB/sThueringer 7 MB72948921224023 10ZwW_Ccw 
2/1/25 5:08:10 pm 237.45 Mbps 29.68 MB/sThueringer 83.4 MB16871143255841 x3LWRuncq 
1/26/25 2:58:47 pm 49.62 Mbps 6.2 MB/sThueringer 79.4 MB31641781434177 3ai389ErF 
1/10/25 8:03:16 pm 9.51 Mbps 1.19 MB/sThueringer 6.7 MB25432856920064 7OCfZEtk4 
1/10/25 8:02:50 pm 9.66 Mbps 1.21 MB/sThueringer 6.7 MB25432856920064 1ry5OlLZb 
1/5/25 4:02:09 pm 0.48 Mbps 0.06 MB/sThueringer 1.2 MB83576718842 x5iGw8duZ 
1/1/25 1:19:16 pm 62.59 Mbps 7.82 MB/sThueringer 81.7 MB83576789454 x-6CAI96- 
12/31/24 11:22:22 am 78.22 Mbps 9.78 MB/sThueringer 22.1 MB83576784961 i32WwMNgU 
12/24/24 10:31:59 pm 4.78 Mbps 0.6 MB/sThueringer 2.4 MB835766847680 X6aGrUAZZ 
12/24/24 10:31:39 pm 8.41 Mbps 1.05 MB/sThueringer 2.4 MB835766847680 3VVR8rJTn 
12/24/24 10:31:31 pm 12.58 Mbps 1.57 MB/sThueringer 2.4 MB835766847680 3mFsqi_oj 
** Partial Results: The most recent results have been displayed.
Graphed results calculation
Displaying Internet Speed Test results for City Bad Langensalza T