Baliuag BUL Speed Test Log













1 to 25 of 3435** for City Baliuag BUL
Speed Provider Size User ConnectID  TestID
2/23/25 12:40:08 am 33.11 Mbps 4.14 MB/sConverge 23.7 MB1275929355279 WfHH2v3fe 
2/22/25 10:41:55 am 32.78 Mbps 4.1 MB/sConverge 18.2 MB1275929359038 qRmqofWDG 
2/22/25 10:41:44 am 12.9 Mbps 1.61 MB/sConverge 9.2 MB1275929359038 uxpVdOByi 
2/22/25 10:10:28 am 40.96 Mbps 5.12 MB/sConverge 36.9 MB12759293540620 URgyNzdut 
2/22/25 10:10:15 am 33.12 Mbps 4.14 MB/sConverge 26.2 MB12759293540620 6ozaucMlD 
2/21/25 7:14:06 am 17.45 Mbps 2.18 MB/sConverge 2.1 MB1275929360689 dOJ0xx-3P 
2/21/25 7:09:19 am 5.28 Mbps 0.66 MB/sConverge 2.1 MB12759293544930 PGJLin_G4 
2/19/25 3:37:28 pm 97.58 Mbps 12.2 MB/sConverge 63.9 MB1275929359130 xjWWZhRi8 
2/19/25 3:37:17 pm 77.77 Mbps 9.72 MB/sConverge 84.1 MB1275929359130 oFHP2xuDD 
2/19/25 2:27:55 pm 105.71 Mbps 13.21 MB/sConverge 62.3 MB12759293549240 iAcHpKFB1 
2/19/25 2:27:47 pm 135.87 Mbps 16.98 MB/sConverge 83 MB12759293549240 eU2TaFc03 
2/19/25 2:27:12 pm 127.67 Mbps 15.96 MB/sConverge 88.8 MB12759293549240 SyC65YMlb 
2/19/25 2:26:58 pm 131.2 Mbps 16.4 MB/sConverge 88.8 MB12759293549240 1xnCKqDdT 
2/17/25 1:57:06 pm 3.19 Mbps 0.4 MB/sConverge 18.4 MB12759293544013 xM39oYa96 
2/17/25 1:56:04 pm 81.23 Mbps 10.15 MB/sConverge 21 MB12759293544013 1fBne6AlA 
2/17/25 8:58:42 am 93.91 Mbps 11.74 MB/sConverge 60.1 MB12759293544930 5UmuYLzPR 
2/14/25 12:02:21 pm 44.99 Mbps 5.62 MB/sConverge 24.2 MB12759293544380 vzy7dTi-y 
2/13/25 1:13:12 pm 42.59 Mbps 5.32 MB/sConverge 22.3 MB12759293551716 Y6kzdIIAm 
2/10/25 9:08:06 pm 33.94 Mbps 4.24 MB/sConverge 21.9 MB12759293540162 kp8r0jZyk 
2/10/25 9:07:44 pm 93.45 Mbps 11.68 MB/sConverge 45.4 MB12759293540162 zRJnO9BsX 
2/10/25 9:07:05 pm 82.46 Mbps 10.31 MB/sConverge 100 MB12759293540162 DbZ_Lgvw1 
2/10/25 9:06:42 pm 83.61 Mbps 10.45 MB/sConverge 64.6 MB12759293540162 dXmL9Gvse 
2/10/25 9:06:25 pm 20.22 Mbps 2.53 MB/sConverge 1 MB12759293540162 Ni5itD8ow 
2/10/25 9:05:55 pm 110.27 Mbps 13.78 MB/sConverge 200 MB12759293540162 esGJY4YwF 
2/10/25 9:04:28 pm 135.02 Mbps 16.88 MB/sConverge 71.3 MB12759293542913 sGZyhSA3c 
** Partial Results: The most recent results have been displayed.
Graphed results calculation
Displaying Internet Speed Test results for City Baliuag BUL