Ballyshannon IE Speed Test Log













1 to 25 of 130** for City Ballyshannon IE
Speed Provider Size User ConnectID  TestID
10/15/19 6:03:25 pm 3.36 Mbps 0.42 MB/sThree 13.1 MBtechsofter1633869275287 zKWZQtVWJ 
10/14/19 11:25:52 am 13.94 Mbps 1.74 MB/sThree 19.5 MB1633869275287 v9o9jgXAq 
10/14/19 11:25:33 am 13.57 Mbps 1.7 MB/sThree 23.5 MB1633869275287 X5h~jieC7 
9/6/18 4:54:26 pm 2.87 Mbps 0.36 MB/sThree 3.8 MB16338692792697 9O5zcDMXV 
9/6/18 6:46:52 am 14.51 Mbps 1.81 MB/sThree 30.8 MB16338692792697 dDfs_D-27 
9/6/18 6:45:26 am 9.39 Mbps 1.17 MB/sThree 43 MB16338692792697 ~QmgNHCUE 
9/1/18 12:09:09 am 40.05 Mbps 5.01 MB/sThree 36.6 MB1633869272444 ItXOl~SWu 
8/31/18 8:02:46 pm 15.58 Mbps 1.95 MB/sThree 12 MB1633869272444 AbEK7IRqq 
8/31/18 6:35:50 pm 32.98 Mbps 4.12 MB/sThree 6 MB1633869272444 JoI9xAVds 
8/22/18 1:49:41 am 32.28 Mbps 4.04 MB/sThree 35.5 MBDave Three1633869270335 VGB14wh90 
8/22/18 1:49:07 am 3.42 Mbps 0.43 MB/sThree 2.9 MBDave Three1633869270335 _4ezo0GKb 
7/14/18 2:11:56 pm 9.35 Mbps 1.17 MB/sEircom 6.3 MB4692612082554 5fJ4Ey7C3 
6/24/18 4:09:55 am 12.4 Mbps 1.55 MB/sThree 6.3 MBFanadMan16338692698333 -Kiu4EI9M 
6/24/18 4:09:46 am 26.05 Mbps 3.26 MB/sThree 30.8 MBFanadMan16338692698333 OP_JV3hCn 
6/24/18 4:01:28 am 40.92 Mbps 5.12 MB/sThree 37.3 MB16338692781142 hVRp_JK6q 
6/12/18 2:00:39 pm 2.26 Mbps 0.28 MB/sThree 31.9 MB16338692788295 layMuz4BV 
6/5/18 6:15:11 am 29.62 Mbps 3.7 MB/sThree 15.5 MB16338692782793 WYnq5at1I 
6/4/18 5:33:48 pm 10.79 Mbps 1.35 MB/sThree 6.3 MB16338692782793 8qz6DSunj 
6/4/18 2:11:37 pm 4.26 Mbps 0.53 MB/sThree 4.6 MB16338692782793 2aWNdhVyD 
6/4/18 1:50:06 pm 33.22 Mbps 4.15 MB/sThree 43 MB16338692782793 xhn6OEcNu 
5/24/18 7:17:29 pm 26.12 Mbps 3.26 MB/sThree 23.3 MB845982485948 IdZQNsALC 
2/24/18 4:14:33 pm 18.24 Mbps 2.28 MB/sFastcom 30.6 MB808390173216 7hbsjIWpm 
2/15/18 5:31:22 pm 4.54 Mbps 0.57 MB/sThree 6.2 MB845982485122 frPH1a9BL 
2/13/18 6:14:13 pm 5.42 Mbps 0.68 MB/sThree 6.2 MB845982485122 GpnZ3zhaA 
2/13/18 8:16:27 am 26.94 Mbps 3.37 MB/sThree 200 MB845982485122 f2MdESeNV 
** Partial Results: The most recent results have been displayed.
Graphed results calculation
Displaying Internet Speed Test results for City Ballyshannon IE