Blanca CO Speed Test Log













1 to 25 of 1227** for City Blanca CO
Speed Provider Size User ConnectID  TestID
2/11/25 7:34:54 pm 2.07 Mbps 0.26 MB/sFone Net Llc 6 MB59218429898 4Do8FhyX_ 
2/11/25 7:34:18 pm 2.55 Mbps 0.32 MB/sFone Net Llc 1.9 MB59218429898 gtu4wxg7A 
2/11/25 7:34:00 pm 0.17 Mbps 0.02 MB/sFone Net Llc 96 kB59218429898 14qyIxrGA 
2/11/25 7:33:50 pm 2.01 Mbps 0.25 MB/sFone Net Llc 1.3 MB59218429898 bz8n3BlC6 
2/11/25 7:33:38 pm 0.2 Mbps 0.03 MB/sFone Net Llc 96 kB59218429898 VO5ephqst 
2/11/25 7:33:15 pm 0.22 Mbps 0.03 MB/sFone Net Llc 256 kB59218429898 F4JBOGk2m 
2/11/25 7:33:01 pm 0.22 Mbps 0.03 MB/sFone Net Llc 96 kB59218429898 0qxBde0-x 
2/6/25 1:34:24 am 9 Mbps 1.12 MB/sFone Net Llc 6.1 MB59218429898 fN-ZjFKQR 
2/6/25 1:34:13 am 7.34 Mbps 0.92 MB/sFone Net Llc 7.1 MB59218429898 5LcKxpoxs 
2/6/25 1:31:52 am 0.9 Mbps 0.11 MB/sFone Net Llc 912 kB59218429898 fvoWDoTWm 
2/6/25 1:31:35 am 0.21 Mbps 0.03 MB/sFone Net Llc 96 kB59218429898 8Ougbkobi 
2/6/25 1:31:26 am 0.24 Mbps 0.03 MB/sFone Net Llc 256 kB59218429898 -hOZFQ96E 
2/6/25 1:31:09 am 0.08 Mbps 0.01 MB/sFone Net Llc 96 kB59218429898 53Kr8oKDe 
2/6/25 1:28:53 am 0.05 Mbps 0.01 MB/sFone Net Llc 256 kB59218429898 vd0EIxY8r 
2/6/25 1:27:51 am 0.13 Mbps 0.02 MB/sFone Net Llc 96 kB59218429898 18kWV9x53 
2/6/25 1:27:00 am 0.27 Mbps 0.03 MB/sFone Net Llc 256 kB59218429898 xyg2zoed0 
2/6/25 1:26:47 am 0.35 Mbps 0.04 MB/sFone Net Llc 320 kB59218429898 0zn3iFprY 
2/6/25 1:26:28 am 0.48 Mbps 0.06 MB/sFone Net Llc 256 kB59218429898 A2Awg5wko 
2/6/25 1:26:19 am 0.42 Mbps 0.05 MB/sFone Net Llc 266 kB59218429898 i4k0xmmql 
2/6/25 1:12:09 am 0.91 Mbps 0.11 MB/sFone Net Llc 1.1 MB59218429898 uIoVm3kxQ 
2/6/25 1:11:52 am 0.57 Mbps 0.07 MB/sFone Net Llc 269 kB59218429898 uoO6uFAJu 
2/4/25 12:07:30 pm 3.8 Mbps 0.47 MB/sFone Net Llc 3.6 MB59218429898 o6rzK8KxV 
2/4/25 12:07:15 pm 10.43 Mbps 1.3 MB/sFone Net Llc 6.8 MB59218429898 n349bPJa6 
2/4/25 10:07:36 am 3.22 Mbps 0.4 MB/sFone Net Llc 3.2 MB59218429898 Q_HmLhlc9 
2/4/25 10:07:19 am 6.95 Mbps 0.87 MB/sFone Net Llc 6.6 MB59218429898 wp_89PzEw 
** Partial Results: The most recent results have been displayed.
Graphed results calculation
Displaying Internet Speed Test results for City Blanca CO