Boca Raton FL Speed Test Log













1 to 25 of 45000** for City Boca Raton FL
Speed Provider Size User ConnectID  TestID
1/13/25 11:35:16 pm 171.41 Mbps 21.43 MB/sAdt Llc 73.4 MB1362646398569 6u0EGkpZg 
1/13/25 11:34:56 pm 262.45 Mbps 32.81 MB/sAdt Llc 79.3 MB1362646398569 0SbCtZjfl 
1/13/25 11:34:02 pm 307.88 Mbps 38.48 MB/sAdt Llc 79.3 MB1362646398569 1sYUP2W7P 
1/13/25 5:03:39 pm 14.74 Mbps 1.84 MB/sComcast 13.2 MB6073494400243 5lskYeB-h 
1/12/25 2:24:57 pm 318.17 Mbps 39.77 MB/sHotwire 200 MB2222766543 hXKwS6Glk 
1/12/25 5:29:51 am 469.74 Mbps 58.72 MB/sHotwire 200 MB2222766543 rLodem5Ce 
1/12/25 3:21:32 am 9.87 Mbps 1.23 MB/sCogent 25 MBPlaNeTik349642051656 iGtveHgys 
1/11/25 11:48:10 pm 110.95 Mbps 13.87 MB/sAtt Internet 76.3 MB29569391643217 uzWSU2EWZ 
1/11/25 11:47:48 pm 216.84 Mbps 27.11 MB/sAtt Internet 87.8 MB29569391643217 8rzRtpKxc 
1/11/25 5:36:41 pm 9.27 Mbps 1.16 MB/sCogent 25 MBPlaNeTik349642051656 NrPI5kSPM 
1/11/25 5:26:54 pm 16.28 Mbps 2.04 MB/sCogent 25 MBPlaNeTik349642051656 POWch1aOt 
1/11/25 5:24:35 pm 16 Mbps 2 MB/sCogent 25 MBPlaNeTik349642051656 F95csAxyH 
1/11/25 5:23:56 pm 15.07 Mbps 1.88 MB/sCogent 25 MBPlaNeTik349642051656 maHPFLxq9 
1/11/25 4:42:12 pm 8.31 Mbps 1.04 MB/sCogent 12 MBPlaNeTik349642051656 oZ20bMl13 
1/11/25 4:41:53 pm 13.29 Mbps 1.66 MB/sCogent 12 MBPlaNeTik349642051656 86yU6NW92 
1/11/25 1:35:43 pm 15.71 Mbps 1.96 MB/sCogent 82.5 MBPlaNeTik349642051656 Wk1F9NYnr 
1/11/25 1:30:59 pm 15.45 Mbps 1.93 MB/sCogent 76.6 MB349642051656 F4FFEybhY 
1/11/25 1:29:21 pm 16.22 Mbps 2.03 MB/sCogent 4.5 MB349642051656 B1IfBBE3I 
1/11/25 1:28:09 pm 2.67 Mbps 0.33 MB/sCogent 1.2 MB349642051656 Gq-tFICHz 
1/11/25 1:27:05 pm 11.24 Mbps 1.4 MB/sCogent 55.4 MB349642051656 b4cOvBquv 
1/11/25 12:53:13 pm 15.3 Mbps 1.91 MB/sCogent 55.4 MB349642051656 mCiZWV_HZ 
1/11/25 12:51:42 pm 16.73 Mbps 2.09 MB/sCogent 55.4 MB349642051656 _ufqxcCHG 
1/11/25 3:41:06 am 9.78 Mbps 1.22 MB/sCogent 20.7 MB349642051656 9yisr8nFw 
1/11/25 3:40:28 am 12.27 Mbps 1.53 MB/sCogent 20.7 MB349642051656 JO7So_sw9 
1/10/25 6:59:20 pm 17.06 Mbps 2.13 MB/sAtt Internet 6.3 MB983089419197 KVmXYGb-r 
** Partial Results: The most recent results have been displayed.
Graphed results calculation
Displaying Internet Speed Test results for City Boca Raton FL