Bradford BRD Speed Test Log













1 to 25 of 19547** for City Bradford BRD
Speed Provider Size User ConnectID  TestID
2/23/25 12:34:51 am 114.95 Mbps 14.37 MB/sThree 88.6 MB4859192838184 wLAkL06Rc 
2/22/25 1:19:25 pm 11.29 Mbps 1.41 MB/sVirgin Media 22.9 MB7555746891 kccxUYfEE 
2/22/25 1:18:39 pm 49.87 Mbps 6.23 MB/sVirgin Media 23.5 MB7555746891 Vsy1Z7sa5 
2/22/25 5:46:04 am 24.82 Mbps 3.1 MB/sVirgin Media 18.4 MB755756871773 HbKaz2E_9 
2/22/25 5:45:46 am 187.17 Mbps 23.4 MB/sVirgin Media 85.8 MB755756871773 Ib4Y0wSFh 
2/17/25 9:21:36 pm 65.4 Mbps 8.17 MB/sSky 55.3 MB44601338784530 wDYNMl4jb 
2/17/25 9:21:09 pm 4.8 Mbps 0.6 MB/sSky 2.3 MB44601338784530 kSdHd9eTa 
2/15/25 9:52:38 pm 10.86 Mbps 1.36 MB/sSky 6.8 MB53769243835400 eEVP6P8eZ 
2/15/25 12:46:19 pm 16.03 Mbps 2 MB/sThree 13.9 MB1726625834051 fQULVGWf_ 
2/13/25 11:50:55 pm 113.68 Mbps 14.21 MB/sVirgin Media 58 MB75566535563 TiRJPBxg0 
2/13/25 1:11:56 pm 19.82 Mbps 2.48 MB/sVirgin Media 18.5 MB790137723496 HPOlDp2sc 
2/13/25 1:11:42 pm 71.55 Mbps 8.94 MB/sVirgin Media 79.7 MB790137723496 eJrbjYmc5 
2/13/25 1:10:56 pm 10.7 Mbps 1.34 MB/sVirgin Media 6.2 MB790137723496 Fi0RzFtxa 
2/13/25 1:10:45 pm 13.86 Mbps 1.73 MB/sVirgin Media 13.9 MB790137723496 hTtKEntit 
2/12/25 5:58:27 pm 15.72 Mbps 1.96 MB/sVirgin Media 13.3 MB7070685621281 _c64LUsH8 
2/12/25 5:57:56 pm 20.15 Mbps 2.52 MB/sVirgin Media 6.2 MB7070685621281 PVaWhxfvQ 
2/12/25 2:15:50 pm 0.08 Mbps 0.01 MB/sVirgin Media 256 kB789861691484 I3xRYISE0 
2/12/25 2:15:22 pm 568.94 Mbps 71.12 MB/sVirgin Media 200 MB789861691484 O-sK3HS07 
2/12/25 12:40:41 pm 276.03 Mbps 34.5 MB/sVirgin Media 83.9 MB84585904525 J4_Br-XDE 
2/11/25 3:37:29 am 261.06 Mbps 32.63 MB/sThree 200 MB1726624924712 4oHWATyvr 
2/11/25 3:37:12 am 256.24 Mbps 32.03 MB/sThree 200 MB1726624924712 f-ii01WYM 
2/10/25 7:51:16 am 96.66 Mbps 12.08 MB/sCcs Leeds 90.7 MB17802476947 bYJLKZF1_ 
2/9/25 10:09:06 pm 173.28 Mbps 21.66 MB/sGrain 100 MB47076043851 i331vFowq 
2/8/25 8:57:33 pm 37.83 Mbps 4.73 MB/sThree 14 MB89086287286654 mnYpu6vxQ 
2/7/25 7:59:51 pm 48.74 Mbps 6.09 MB/sTalktalk 25 MB7317850382 T0wpV85Qx 
** Partial Results: The most recent results have been displayed.
Graphed results calculation
Displaying Internet Speed Test results for City Bradford BRD