Calapan MDR Speed Test Log













1 to 25 of 4309** for City Calapan MDR
Speed Provider Size User ConnectID  TestID
1/20/25 3:32:40 am 25.06 Mbps 3.13 MB/sConverge 81.6 MB1315420612334 UQ86JuaAA 
1/19/25 12:44:25 pm 127.47 Mbps 15.93 MB/sConverge 87.8 MB1315420694959 V-EsNPr-8 
1/18/25 4:14:58 pm 368.22 Mbps 46.03 MB/sConverge 200 MB131542067503 iHVKhk02r 
1/18/25 12:21:42 am 5.32 Mbps 0.66 MB/sPhilippine 2.2 MB1123673005195 kX_7Q4UAQ 
1/18/25 12:08:42 am 9.37 Mbps 1.17 MB/sPhilippine 2.6 MB1123673005195 PK46w6N6d 
1/17/25 5:33:24 pm 43.24 Mbps 5.41 MB/sConverge 22 MB1315420616185 xaOLx71LR 
1/17/25 9:18:13 am 2.79 Mbps 0.35 MB/sConverge 1.3 MB1315420607290 VpgeUBB7y 
1/17/25 9:18:06 am 9.49 Mbps 1.19 MB/sConverge 6.7 MB1315420607290 _xYLCVPQM 
1/17/25 9:17:42 am 5.01 Mbps 0.63 MB/sConverge 6.3 MB1315420607290 XsxwNxybx 
1/17/25 9:17:27 am 13.9 Mbps 1.74 MB/sConverge 14 MB1315420607290 71lZmt7Ik 
1/16/25 5:58:51 pm 41.11 Mbps 5.14 MB/sConverge 23 MB131542064843 6HgHayr-4 
1/16/25 5:33:54 pm 126.49 Mbps 15.81 MB/sConverge 52.7 MB131542064843 WnV31buOe 
1/16/25 3:18:30 pm 72 Mbps 9 MB/sConverge 22 MB131542064843 dc1aM4eJB 
1/16/25 2:52:23 pm 17.33 Mbps 2.17 MB/sConverge 7.5 MB131542064843 ey91iFYHc 
1/16/25 2:52:09 pm 74.9 Mbps 9.36 MB/sConverge 24.5 MB131542064843 fYojMwk4J 
1/16/25 2:47:11 pm 96.43 Mbps 12.05 MB/sConverge 62.6 MB131542064843 WR9qssTKG 
1/16/25 2:46:59 pm 133.27 Mbps 16.66 MB/sConverge 53.4 MB131542064843 5xSs1M8jX 
1/15/25 9:02:37 am 1.8 Mbps 0.23 MB/sConverge 2.2 MB1315420607198 AFqy78xnf 
1/15/25 9:02:01 am 3.78 Mbps 0.47 MB/sConverge 2.1 MB1315420607198 xugeVISGP 
1/11/25 9:25:21 pm 1.86 Mbps 0.23 MB/sPhilippine 1 MB1123673005195 uwihUD4zF 
1/9/25 10:37:25 am 1.84 Mbps 0.23 MB/sGlobe 1.3 MB1863221385224 YA2rSO9xL 
1/9/25 10:37:16 am 2.24 Mbps 0.28 MB/sGlobe 2.2 MB1863221385224 9oh3uOn5U 
1/4/25 11:08:56 am 36.96 Mbps 4.62 MB/sConverge 18.6 MB131542062092 uD-IxWg6j 
1/4/25 11:08:47 am 27.13 Mbps 3.39 MB/sConverge 13.9 MB131542062092 V3rDCpEIU 
1/2/25 4:17:47 am 14.26 Mbps 1.78 MB/sConverge 6.3 MB1315420702846 P07OlXZtb 
** Partial Results: The most recent results have been displayed.
Graphed results calculation
Displaying Internet Speed Test results for City Calapan MDR