Carefree AZ Speed Test Log



Min 5.66 Mbps : 2.69 Mbps


Median 20.82 Mbps : 10.4 Mbps


Max 236 Mbps : 12.49 Mbps


Minimum: 5.66 Mbps : 2.69 Mbps


Median: 20.82 Mbps : 10.4 Mbps


Maximum: 236 Mbps : 12.49 Mbps
1 to 25 of 796** for City Carefree AZ
Speed Provider Size User ConnectID  TestID
9/4/24 3:36:10 pm 2.82 Mbps 0.35 MB/sVerizon 2.8 MB68999658082 le1WHbeRi 
9/4/24 3:35:53 pm 26.92 Mbps 3.37 MB/sVerizon 15.1 MB68999658082 mXiOTe_nn 
6/5/24 2:55:50 pm 236 Mbps 29.5 MB/sCox 194 MB6256543771792 l63KgV3To 
6/2/24 11:21:26 pm 20.82 Mbps 2.6 MB/sCogent 23.7 MB35115584987 qqgB0q_5o 
6/2/24 11:21:10 pm 20.1 Mbps 2.51 MB/sCogent 23.7 MB35115584987 rZBDDhVvj 
6/2/24 11:20:52 pm 12.05 Mbps 1.51 MB/sCogent 23.7 MB35115584987 WQVoHT2km 
6/2/24 11:20:25 pm 16.61 Mbps 2.08 MB/sCogent 23.7 MB35115584987 3O04ohES7 
6/2/24 11:20:07 pm 7.96 Mbps 1 MB/sCogent 23.7 MB35115584987 ncC868DIv 
6/2/24 11:19:36 pm 20.19 Mbps 2.52 MB/sCogent 23.7 MB35115584987 ihf3lQrUp 
5/19/24 9:47:42 pm 21.75 Mbps 2.72 MB/sCox Business 13.1 MB84813382317747 yyn7sSAeT 
4/30/24 5:11:36 pm 2.69 Mbps 0.34 MB/sCox 1.3 MB62570911650 0DoNQNgj2 
4/30/24 5:11:31 pm 22.79 Mbps 2.85 MB/sCox 13.1 MB62570911650 Qcd0b4gbN 
4/2/24 5:07:05 pm 9.81 Mbps 1.23 MB/sCox 6.3 MB6256543675410 IF-3Nhrhp 
4/2/24 5:06:58 pm 229.27 Mbps 28.66 MB/sCox 85.9 MB6256543675410 1Ey3zDmL6 
4/2/24 5:06:26 pm 10.98 Mbps 1.37 MB/sCox 14.3 MB6256543675410 OrfRAnxn5 
4/2/24 5:05:53 pm 228.1 Mbps 28.51 MB/sCox 79.6 MB6256543675410 YCHI3rGOL 
3/11/24 2:57:35 pm 12.38 Mbps 1.55 MB/sCox 7.2 MB625654384109 p9Kx2xogY 
3/11/24 2:56:53 pm 76.62 Mbps 9.58 MB/sCox 77.9 MB625654384109 LD_JdVVhZ 
3/11/24 1:00:47 pm 12.49 Mbps 1.56 MB/sCox 6.3 MB625654374480 8MxaitbDu 
3/11/24 1:00:40 pm 88.31 Mbps 11.04 MB/sCox 75.3 MB625654374480 zGVHdNHQA 
2/22/24 12:13:45 am 21.42 Mbps 2.68 MB/sCogent 13.3 MB35115584987 F8bnUiJgh 
2/22/24 12:13:05 am 5.66 Mbps 0.71 MB/sCogent 13.3 MB35115584987 i1iUV8qNh 
2/22/24 12:12:29 am 14.86 Mbps 1.86 MB/sCogent 13.3 MB35115584987 xV2y7yvNg 
2/22/24 12:12:14 am 20.58 Mbps 2.57 MB/sCogent 13.3 MB35115584987 p8IqW3dCI 
2/22/24 12:11:59 am 17.8 Mbps 2.22 MB/sCogent 13.3 MB35115584987 6RPnoQtjJ 
** Partial Results: The most recent results have been displayed. Results over 50 Mbps are highlighted.
Graphed results calculation
Displaying Internet Speed Test results for City Carefree AZ