Chase BC Speed Test Log



Min 17.8 Mbps : 0.15 Mbps


Median 57.09 Mbps : 8.61 Mbps


Max 198.1 Mbps : 10.9 Mbps


Minimum: 17.8 Mbps : 0.15 Mbps


Median: 57.09 Mbps : 8.61 Mbps


Maximum: 198.1 Mbps : 10.9 Mbps
1 to 25 of 1138** for City Chase BC
Speed Provider Size User ConnectID  TestID
9/5/24 5:17:40 pm 10.9 Mbps 1.36 MB/sTelus 6.3 MB606817401728 yPb1GxF6V 
9/5/24 5:17:32 pm 119.57 Mbps 14.95 MB/sTelus 81 MB606817401728 q5SUhhgKV 
6/23/24 5:32:35 pm 9.59 Mbps 1.2 MB/sTelus 6.5 MB60682556329 xfyB2H8AU 
6/23/24 5:31:52 pm 59.65 Mbps 7.46 MB/sTelus 24.5 MB60682556329 9jGNww53x 
6/22/24 12:22:17 am 198.1 Mbps 24.76 MB/sTelus 79.4 MB460467958227 eLaDMTy9P 
5/5/24 4:52:09 am 2.51 Mbps 0.31 MB/sTelus 2.6 MB460467958227 YhQtlqucy 
4/28/24 4:52:40 pm 59.76 Mbps 7.47 MB/sTelus 73.8 MB606825439517 c0mQKszW5 
4/26/24 11:03:49 pm 26.71 Mbps 3.34 MB/sTelus 25 MB46046802349 qyLQg8Y07 
4/26/24 11:03:19 pm 24.71 Mbps 3.09 MB/sTelus 25 MB46046802349 EhTbFJSkT 
4/26/24 11:02:56 pm 43.38 Mbps 5.42 MB/sTelus 25 MB46046802349 EihyV1lMh 
4/26/24 11:02:17 pm 17.8 Mbps 2.23 MB/sTelus 25 MB46046802349 wdjdGMUhh 
4/26/24 10:59:46 pm 0.15 Mbps 0.02 MB/sTelus 96 kB46046802349 VySIzjZ9L 
4/26/24 10:58:42 pm 40.99 Mbps 5.12 MB/sTelus 25.9 MB46046802349 aR3a9DJrx 
4/24/24 7:34:53 pm 104.94 Mbps 13.12 MB/sTelus 65.1 MB46046802349 F969yFFqi 
4/24/24 7:33:55 pm 110.15 Mbps 13.77 MB/sTelus 65.1 MB46046802349 Ebu9xz_tM 
4/23/24 4:06:12 pm 8.81 Mbps 1.1 MB/sTelus 7.3 MB6068173541735 nxUuk1zzl 
4/23/24 4:05:34 pm 59.31 Mbps 7.41 MB/sTelus 21.9 MB6068173541735 cUMYNTjTB 
4/16/24 6:39:54 am 40.82 Mbps 5.1 MB/sTelus 25.3 MB60682546058 R0lcEpJD_ 
1/19/24 5:20:24 pm 57.78 Mbps 7.22 MB/sTelus 87.9 MB460468430137 Jf1_uwEcW 
1/14/24 12:48:03 am 27.8 Mbps 3.48 MB/sTelus 13.2 MB460467776011 _h9r2d-jx 
1/10/24 5:22:35 pm 29.21 Mbps 3.65 MB/sTelus 81.2 MB6068173633714 3yWoC4nmi 
1/3/24 7:08:21 pm 8.41 Mbps 1.05 MB/sTelus 4.1 MB460468430137 4LXopTTBw 
1/3/24 7:08:12 pm 57.09 Mbps 7.14 MB/sTelus 59.5 MB460468430137 gp00hU-Nf 
12/24/23 4:03:56 pm 60.45 Mbps 7.56 MB/sTelus 23.5 MB60682549818 qYwlce1N5 
11/22/23 5:13:40 am 50.89 Mbps 6.36 MB/sTelus 76.8 MB46046843066 yOAmGWA3E 
** Partial Results: The most recent results have been displayed. Results over 50 Mbps are highlighted.
Graphed results calculation
Displaying Internet Speed Test results for City Chase BC