Chilhowie VA Speed Test Log













1 to 25 of 1287** for City Chilhowie VA
Speed Provider Size User ConnectID  TestID
2/1/25 10:33:26 pm 23.36 Mbps 2.92 MB/sComcast 7.5 MB16693493194809 cEx5-_43z 
2/1/25 10:32:24 pm 19.11 Mbps 2.39 MB/sComcast 7.5 MB16693493194809 I1UwKYCfW 
1/2/25 1:57:08 am 27.09 Mbps 3.39 MB/sComcast 83.1 MBAybuddeh62672277075 wOxlKN-6h 
1/2/25 1:48:33 am 13.89 Mbps 1.74 MB/sComcast 6.4 MBAybuddeh62672277075 hyMchJ_Gx 
1/2/25 1:48:27 am 603.29 Mbps 75.41 MB/sComcast 200 MBAybuddeh62672277075 0_CVVyjsS 
1/2/25 12:58:44 am 20.01 Mbps 2.5 MB/sComcast 23 MB62672277075 ViupuHOr6 
1/2/25 12:58:30 am 38.95 Mbps 4.87 MB/sComcast 23 MB62672277075 nho5gWqVN 
1/2/25 12:58:23 am 32.5 Mbps 4.06 MB/sComcast 23 MB62672277075 cgYv0ucVK 
1/2/25 12:57:52 am 1886.92 Mbps 235.87 MB/sComcast 2.5 MB62672277075 TeHZiQQIG 
1/2/25 12:57:51 am 1297.26 Mbps 162.16 MB/sComcast 2.5 MB62672277075 RqKn3qHsn 
1/2/25 12:57:50 am 1596.63 Mbps 199.58 MB/sComcast 2.5 MB62672277075 uX1RuZxWO 
1/2/25 12:57:49 am 97.45 Mbps 12.18 MB/sComcast 2.5 MB62672277075 itW_KuaMo 
1/2/25 12:57:44 am 1153.12 Mbps 144.14 MB/sComcast 2.5 MB62672277075 p-Kw-KfTB 
1/2/25 12:57:43 am 1383.74 Mbps 172.97 MB/sComcast 2.5 MB62672277075 Z0Yl9B2Xi 
1/2/25 12:57:41 am 1482.58 Mbps 185.32 MB/sComcast 2.5 MB62672277075 BMuTXCidW 
1/2/25 12:57:38 am 1886.92 Mbps 235.87 MB/sComcast 2.5 MB62672277075 68QqdQUi4 
1/2/25 12:57:36 am 64.86 Mbps 8.11 MB/sComcast 2.5 MB62672277075 5UFV7CYUx 
1/2/25 12:57:31 am 10.03 Mbps 1.25 MB/sComcast 2.5 MB62672277075 bYZpeMQ_j 
1/2/25 12:57:20 am 1.58 Mbps 0.2 MB/sComcast 2.5 MB62672277075 Ji9kzyobB 
11/4/24 1:05:55 pm 21.92 Mbps 2.74 MB/sComcast 14.1 MB626722513272 K_sxMFxdg 
11/4/24 1:05:15 pm 73.11 Mbps 9.14 MB/sComcast 22.8 MB626722513272 jzzn3ThUF 
9/1/24 9:52:43 pm 481.87 Mbps 60.23 MB/sComcast 200 MB66468867337267 vfblSoMzT 
8/10/24 7:08:59 pm 22.02 Mbps 2.75 MB/sComcast 24.8 MB14155743432292 dc_-fV5R8 
8/10/24 7:08:45 pm 30.77 Mbps 3.85 MB/sComcast 24.8 MB14155743432292 FKagTvCcg 
8/10/24 7:08:31 pm 49.6 Mbps 6.2 MB/sComcast 24.8 MB14155743432292 DVYxabBon 
** Partial Results: The most recent results have been displayed.
Graphed results calculation
Displaying Internet Speed Test results for City Chilhowie VA