Colesburg IA Speed Test Log



Min 0.83 Mbps : 1.31 Mbps


Median 1.72 Mbps : 1.48 Mbps


Max 31.44 Mbps : 12.54 Mbps


Minimum: 0.83 Mbps : 1.31 Mbps


Median: 1.72 Mbps : 1.48 Mbps


Maximum: 31.44 Mbps : 12.54 Mbps
1 to 25 of 248** for City Colesburg IA
Speed Provider Size User ConnectID  TestID
5/20/23 7:28:15 am 1.46 Mbps 0.18 MB/sWindstream 1.5 MB1588172710944 f2w8iMuxA 
2/11/19 7:14:31 pm 12.54 Mbps 1.57 MB/sMediacom 18.3 MB17618158231993 Zi4hWW4_N 
2/11/19 7:13:16 pm 31.44 Mbps 3.93 MB/sMediacom 43.1 MB17618158231993 sjuKLaYtb 
5/2/18 7:10:03 pm 11.44 Mbps 1.43 MB/sComelec 18.8 MB625141176658 m3kS0Q4rG 
4/23/18 1:46:08 pm 1.48 Mbps 0.19 MB/sComelec 936 kB6251411724248 IhA4NF0kR 
4/23/18 1:45:46 pm 0.97 Mbps 0.12 MB/sComelec 1.2 MB6251411724248 4qcrNwOhP 
4/23/18 1:00:42 pm 1.86 Mbps 0.23 MB/sComelec 1.3 MB6251411724248 siuVob2tg 
4/23/18 1:00:30 pm 2.67 Mbps 0.33 MB/sComelec 5.9 MB6251411724248 oCRbldJKT 
4/23/18 12:45:27 pm 1.44 Mbps 0.18 MB/sComelec 1 MB6251411724248 yicgLbzD5 
4/23/18 12:45:13 pm 1.5 Mbps 0.19 MB/sComelec 1.3 MB6251411724248 A8oLnM9KI 
4/23/18 12:30:45 pm 1.65 Mbps 0.21 MB/sComelec 1.9 MB6251411724248 36XVB8Fb5 
4/23/18 12:30:07 pm 1.72 Mbps 0.21 MB/sComelec 1.3 MB6251411724248 sutPxCrv7 
4/23/18 12:15:36 pm 1.47 Mbps 0.18 MB/sComelec 1 MB6251411724248 dqKSbWFYx 
4/23/18 12:15:06 pm 1.65 Mbps 0.21 MB/sComelec 1.3 MB6251411724248 TZa3Ayio1 
4/23/18 12:00:24 pm 1.48 Mbps 0.18 MB/sComelec 1 MB6251411724248 rloK90POC 
4/23/18 12:00:09 pm 0.83 Mbps 0.1 MB/sComelec 1.3 MB6251411724248 wINtpVsLQ 
4/23/18 11:45:48 am 1.42 Mbps 0.18 MB/sComelec 912 kB6251411724248 5qk83WMev 
4/23/18 11:45:28 am 1.71 Mbps 0.21 MB/sComelec 6.4 MB6251411724248 QuGk51C7t 
4/23/18 11:30:18 am 1.35 Mbps 0.17 MB/sComelec 1 MB6251411724248 VUd2Jvk4s 
4/23/18 11:30:02 am 1.27 Mbps 0.16 MB/sComelec 1.3 MB6251411724248 PV29zg46Q 
4/23/18 11:15:42 am 1.49 Mbps 0.19 MB/sComelec 1.1 MB6251411724248 PnBfK6c0v 
4/23/18 11:15:27 am 2.96 Mbps 0.37 MB/sComelec 6.3 MB6251411724248 yO6eqQG8d 
4/23/18 11:00:29 am 1.31 Mbps 0.16 MB/sComelec 1 MB6251411724248 NDWQkmv42 
4/23/18 11:00:14 am 2.13 Mbps 0.27 MB/sComelec 4.9 MB6251411724248 cbR6r4J3D 
4/23/18 10:45:16 am 1.49 Mbps 0.19 MB/sComelec 1 MB6251411724248 YO5FTDPrU 
** Partial Results: The most recent results have been displayed. Results over 50 Mbps are highlighted.
Graphed results calculation
Displaying Internet Speed Test results for City Colesburg IA