Conway AR Speed Test Log













1 to 25 of 34539** for City Conway AR
Speed Provider Size User ConnectID  TestID
2/21/25 4:34:14 pm 10.23 Mbps 1.28 MB/sConway 6.3 MB6066989724129 oDj5hqGLg 
2/21/25 4:34:05 pm 310.58 Mbps 38.82 MB/sConway 200 MB6066989724129 Iastm5G90 
2/21/25 3:05:05 am 81.19 Mbps 10.15 MB/sConway 63 MB1367453076645 Wgy-Kzx8l 
2/21/25 3:04:55 am 192.77 Mbps 24.1 MB/sConway 88.3 MB1367453076645 lx1BG7FO_ 
2/21/25 12:13:32 am 4.3 Mbps 0.54 MB/sArkansas 4 MB14793143190 w6C8irtzf 
2/21/25 12:13:21 am 11.12 Mbps 1.39 MB/sArkansas 6.3 MB14793143190 uQZFTg8kC 
2/20/25 2:22:16 am 166.34 Mbps 20.79 MB/sConway 62.4 MB88322426681 OB-DFsgiG 
2/19/25 8:48:26 pm 58.57 Mbps 7.32 MB/sConway 201 MB88322426681 dGQ56LHgA 
2/19/25 8:47:48 pm 48.17 Mbps 6.02 MB/sConway 20.3 MB88322426681 ve5Fsebf8 
2/19/25 6:33:29 pm 264.43 Mbps 33.05 MB/sConway 200 MB136745377531 TXmLbYMdC 
2/19/25 2:26:21 am 240.94 Mbps 30.12 MB/sConway 200 MB136745377531 eR35AXvWS 
2/18/25 4:54:48 am 81.45 Mbps 10.18 MB/sConway 65.1 MB1367453076645 nvYX4IjlP 
2/18/25 4:54:39 am 867.82 Mbps 108.48 MB/sConway 200 MB1367453076645 szP64GYyT 
2/18/25 4:54:32 am 85.85 Mbps 10.73 MB/sConway 64.9 MB1367453076645 mfgU-mBvX 
2/18/25 4:53:59 am 2.83 Mbps 0.35 MB/sConway 2.2 MB1367453076645 L-fTeKBsY 
2/18/25 2:39:31 am 116.2 Mbps 14.52 MB/sAtt Internet 62 MB634163707859 VmGem62sZ 
2/18/25 2:39:16 am 104 Mbps 13 MB/sAtt Internet 100 MB634163707859 Xu73wDejH 
2/18/25 2:38:58 am 313.79 Mbps 39.22 MB/sAtt Internet 87.3 MB634163707859 09vGjTCEa 
2/17/25 3:07:11 pm 0.12 Mbps 0.01 MB/sConway 256 kB221411916 0whb8vr~j 
2/16/25 7:05:40 pm 190.35 Mbps 23.79 MB/sConway 66.1 MB88322426681 nER_zTzL3 
2/15/25 4:31:46 am 1.06 Mbps 0.13 MB/sAtt Internet 480 kB91146293195 08o20eSey 
2/14/25 6:04:43 pm 357.27 Mbps 44.66 MB/sArkansas 100 MB147929178944 PAf8QFTjp 
2/14/25 6:04:37 pm 772.73 Mbps 96.59 MB/sArkansas 200 MB147929178944 NkQAbuwa9 
2/14/25 8:28:33 am 39.95 Mbps 4.99 MB/sVerizon 85.9 MB1349287118739 o0OYkRt-9 
2/13/25 9:16:41 pm 72.79 Mbps 9.1 MB/sArkansas 61.4 MB1479356940 WVp4im6bY 
** Partial Results: The most recent results have been displayed.
Graphed results calculation
Displaying Internet Speed Test results for City Conway AR