Covina CA Speed Test Log













1 to 25 of 12726** for City Covina CA
Speed Provider Size User ConnectID  TestID
2/20/25 1:53:29 pm 2.77 Mbps 0.35 MB/sSpectrum 1.3 MB705582157027 FEF-Mw_u3 
2/20/25 1:53:24 pm 610.31 Mbps 76.29 MB/sSpectrum 200 MB705582157027 e6MC7MxWw 
2/14/25 5:41:28 am 12.54 Mbps 1.57 MB/sFrontier 7.7 MB432632050063 niMTPt_v4 
2/14/25 5:41:13 am 7.67 Mbps 0.96 MB/sFrontier 7.2 MB432632050063 0fyzMPe1n 
2/12/25 1:47:53 am 497.15 Mbps 62.14 MB/sFrontier 200 MB4324419743157 pJWGwwEqP 
2/8/25 3:06:01 am 231.73 Mbps 28.97 MB/sSpectrum 83.8 MB70566185279 dMKlzidvV 
2/1/25 11:44:03 pm 76.94 Mbps 9.62 MB/sFrontier 62.1 MB432369411828 U-HVd_p3_ 
2/1/25 11:43:52 pm 281.25 Mbps 35.16 MB/sFrontier 78.7 MB432369411828 JqaJbCkrK 
2/1/25 6:59:13 am 19.99 Mbps 2.5 MB/sFrontier 18.8 MBGatorIsNumeroUno43245084163 c06mGCsWD 
2/1/25 6:58:57 am 38.91 Mbps 4.86 MB/sFrontier 22.8 MBGatorIsNumeroUno43245084163 PPvb6NOLT 
2/1/25 6:58:43 am 28.51 Mbps 3.56 MB/sFrontier 18.9 MBGatorIsNumeroUno43245084163 evMvmPMtZ 
2/1/25 6:58:33 am 31.48 Mbps 3.94 MB/sFrontier 24 MBGatorIsNumeroUno43245084163 jwghChSSm 
1/31/25 6:20:17 am 270.05 Mbps 33.76 MB/sSpectrum 87.8 MB54297498724079 r919TPg8f 
1/27/25 2:14:24 am 93.86 Mbps 11.73 MB/sFrontier 76.4 MB4324508503919 lM8py3DOY 
1/26/25 4:48:28 am 71.29 Mbps 8.91 MB/sFrontier 24.8 MB4324519046336 T91ldFWjl 
1/26/25 4:48:18 am 87 Mbps 10.87 MB/sFrontier 24.8 MB4324519046336 5gV1j4gUO 
1/26/25 4:47:59 am 77.42 Mbps 9.68 MB/sFrontier 24.8 MB4324519046336 HkxzIz5T5 
1/2/25 11:33:13 pm 0.69 Mbps 0.09 MB/sSpectrum 376 kB704484915880 3RrHR8N5Q 
12/18/24 5:53:55 am 5.57 Mbps 0.7 MB/sFrontier 6.3 MBGatorIsNumeroUno4324518412476 RMxs8Jfzx 
12/18/24 5:53:43 am 25.2 Mbps 3.15 MB/sFrontier 14.2 MBGatorIsNumeroUno4324518412476 COTxB5iHG 
12/18/24 5:43:33 am 11.33 Mbps 1.42 MB/sFrontier 5.8 MBGatorIsNumeroUno4324518412476 PfzuFrBxQ 
12/18/24 5:43:26 am 28.63 Mbps 3.58 MB/sFrontier 13.7 MBGatorIsNumeroUno4324518412476 BkD7GEnSC 
11/13/24 6:00:02 am 88.47 Mbps 11.06 MB/sFrontier 63.3 MB432451884153 NhteIVmJE 
11/13/24 5:59:53 am 650.53 Mbps 81.32 MB/sFrontier 200 MB432451884153 iloGNTt0l 
11/13/24 5:18:17 am 116.57 Mbps 14.57 MB/sFrontier 83.2 MB4323672501 FJmxTCvmk 
** Partial Results: The most recent results have been displayed.
Graphed results calculation
Displaying Internet Speed Test results for City Covina CA