Dublin CA Speed Test Log













1 to 25 of 25844** for City Dublin CA
Speed Provider Size User ConnectID  TestID
2/21/25 2:00:36 pm 53.83 Mbps 6.73 MB/sComcast 22.3 MB43364310239807 R4G2GCqt6 
2/21/25 2:00:26 pm 31.89 Mbps 3.99 MB/sComcast 22.3 MB43364310239807 4NWdl3a1n 
2/21/25 1:59:55 pm 55.51 Mbps 6.94 MB/sComcast 22.3 MB43364310239807 WJpzIg08- 
2/21/25 1:58:32 pm 45.01 Mbps 5.63 MB/sComcast 26 MB43364310239807 YXg-SjqC_ 
2/21/25 1:57:26 pm 21.92 Mbps 2.74 MB/sComcast 15.3 MB43364310239807 eNTirg8pP 
2/21/25 1:57:09 pm 36.69 Mbps 4.59 MB/sComcast 15.2 MB43364310239807 W9q3RAHyQ 
2/21/25 1:55:29 pm 32.9 Mbps 4.11 MB/sComcast 15.1 MB43364310239807 Z1lES7van 
2/21/25 1:54:52 pm 34.9 Mbps 4.36 MB/sComcast 15.1 MB43364310239807 _PSrzaOuL 
2/21/25 1:54:22 pm 33.72 Mbps 4.21 MB/sComcast 15.1 MB43364310239807 tZSybBDVR 
2/21/25 5:13:28 am 107.85 Mbps 13.48 MB/sComcast 100 MB45067388226238 jIeijILm7 
2/21/25 5:13:15 am 424.58 Mbps 53.07 MB/sComcast 200 MB45067388226238 ApD4gfoxr 
2/21/25 5:12:58 am 928.81 Mbps 116.1 MB/sComcast 200 MB45067388226238 F5PxnPXu7 
2/21/25 5:12:47 am 1068.52 Mbps 133.56 MB/sComcast 201 MB45067388226238 OrPUcLXXi 
2/21/25 5:12:41 am 1191.17 Mbps 148.9 MB/sComcast 200 MB45067388226238 aouS87-Mg 
2/21/25 5:12:35 am 157.5 Mbps 19.69 MB/sComcast 100 MB45067388226238 8W2_p4WG_ 
2/21/25 5:11:56 am 157.03 Mbps 19.63 MB/sComcast 100 MB45067388226238 axMPWxJ91 
2/20/25 4:55:30 pm 311.65 Mbps 38.96 MB/sComcast 191 MB13392423773188 Bo7WNYw8V 
2/20/25 4:52:55 am 311.65 Mbps 38.96 MB/sComcast 191 MB32385932842646 fHv9JB-0u 
2/20/25 4:39:00 am 311.65 Mbps 38.96 MB/sComcast 191 MB32385932842646 s9Euxuw8o 
2/20/25 1:03:09 am 311.65 Mbps 38.96 MB/sComcast 191 MB32385932842646 fZdAMt_my 
2/19/25 10:57:52 pm 138.45 Mbps 17.31 MB/sComcast 80.8 MB69818058591 z-l9iWfDC 
2/19/25 10:57:21 pm 102.19 Mbps 12.77 MB/sComcast 61.8 MB69818058591 VXc42Cr3W 
2/19/25 10:57:13 pm 242.44 Mbps 30.3 MB/sComcast 91 MB69818058591 1EJb5U1k2 
2/19/25 10:56:20 pm 85.82 Mbps 10.73 MB/sComcast 63.5 MB69818058591 v_cagfCvF 
2/19/25 10:56:12 pm 92.02 Mbps 11.5 MB/sComcast 88.9 MB69818058591 e-FLxQVsC 
** Partial Results: The most recent results have been displayed.
Graphed results calculation
Displaying Internet Speed Test results for City Dublin CA