Edinburgh EDH Speed Test Log













1 to 25 of 45001** for City Edinburgh EDH
Speed Provider Size User ConnectID  TestID
2/22/25 4:13:11 pm 5.4 Mbps 0.68 MB/sPlusnet 2.4 MB7353685332235 SYPz9X403 
2/22/25 3:09:23 pm 95.01 Mbps 11.88 MB/sSky 73.9 MB161624053087 bQt_2YBT- 
2/22/25 12:53:42 am 61.21 Mbps 7.65 MB/sVirgin Media 64.3 MB715039156177 BumL8pj7u 
2/22/25 12:53:29 am 536.05 Mbps 67.01 MB/sVirgin Media 200 MB715039156177 M0c1a7BWb 
2/22/25 12:53:12 am 60.52 Mbps 7.57 MB/sVirgin Media 38.4 MB715039156177 Y2F0L9qcC 
2/22/25 12:53:03 am 568.94 Mbps 71.12 MB/sVirgin Media 200 MB715039156177 xL1dLgT_I 
2/21/25 4:30:52 pm 58.89 Mbps 7.36 MB/sHydra 84.7 MB1726246740635 LKLcVD50u 
2/21/25 4:26:44 pm 28.96 Mbps 3.62 MB/sHydra 84.7 MB1726246740635 BuBlw7CjO 
2/21/25 2:36:52 pm 18.21 Mbps 2.28 MB/sVirgin Media 18 MB7070514231839 exBbEtd9W 
2/21/25 2:36:38 pm 88.82 Mbps 11.1 MB/sVirgin Media 56.4 MB7070514231839 _NhAerCnJ 
2/21/25 12:00:46 pm 24.75 Mbps 3.09 MB/sThree 12.8 MB847365409975 aVhHIj49K 
2/21/25 12:00:31 pm 146.03 Mbps 18.25 MB/sThree 81.2 MB847365409975 DDHwPddBS 
2/21/25 11:57:45 am 2.81 Mbps 0.35 MB/sThree 1.3 MB847365410158 N9FYBZ_Nl 
2/21/25 11:57:36 am 148.49 Mbps 18.56 MB/sThree 81.5 MB847365410158 vfxTdYUcA 
2/20/25 11:14:13 pm 37.59 Mbps 4.7 MB/sGoogle One 18.9 MB14867114641876 Jb_SbLwGk 
2/20/25 11:14:04 pm 243.73 Mbps 30.47 MB/sGoogle One 90.5 MB14867114641876 JnBzOPrI5 
2/20/25 11:13:23 pm 38.32 Mbps 4.79 MB/sGoogle One 36.4 MB14867114641876 2XfvCJy3l 
2/20/25 11:13:09 pm 250.95 Mbps 31.37 MB/sGoogle One 84 MB14867114641876 IK_FV4FFD 
2/20/25 8:41:22 pm 10.55 Mbps 1.32 MB/sSky 2.3 MB77137767924686 lDwMLxJQZ 
2/20/25 8:41:04 pm 3.2 Mbps 0.4 MB/sSky 2.3 MB77137767924686 Yzlsmk0fR 
2/20/25 5:20:05 pm 373.63 Mbps 46.7 MB/sVirgin Media 200 MB7070513684181 6WYKPzi6m 
2/20/25 5:19:59 pm 983.8 Mbps 122.97 MB/sVirgin Media 200 MB71503644179 D_SiDBR6Q 
2/20/25 5:19:38 pm 327.47 Mbps 40.93 MB/sVirgin Media 139 MB7070513684181 iBnNNHwrT 
2/20/25 5:19:31 pm 988.43 Mbps 123.55 MB/sVirgin Media 200 MB71503644179 hw0LosBiF 
2/20/25 5:18:17 pm 990.77 Mbps 123.85 MB/sVirgin Media 200 MB71503644179 GqpIgRomW 
** Partial Results: The most recent results have been displayed.
Graphed results calculation
Displaying Internet Speed Test results for City Edinburgh EDH