Glen Ellyn IL Speed Test Log













1 to 25 of 12388** for City Glen Ellyn IL
Speed Provider Size User ConnectID  TestID
2/22/25 4:43:50 pm 331.04 Mbps 41.38 MB/sAstound 200 MB191286910007 qBO4xHUi4 
2/22/25 1:27:49 pm 189.49 Mbps 23.69 MB/sComcast 80.2 MB67606458039 TJOtzAt5D 
2/22/25 11:15:18 am 90.31 Mbps 11.29 MB/sAstound 76.9 MB191286910007 CqmrrxpRq 
2/9/25 2:36:10 am 22.89 Mbps 2.86 MB/sComcast 18.8 MB6982519627 fXcD-KkLN 
2/9/25 2:35:58 am 239.65 Mbps 29.96 MB/sComcast 84.9 MB6982519627 RSNLqysuh 
2/9/25 2:15:44 am 23.32 Mbps 2.92 MB/sComcast 18.8 MB6982519627 TCdIF8lIN 
2/9/25 2:15:33 am 308.52 Mbps 38.57 MB/sComcast 200 MB6982519627 gls_BL2Mu 
2/9/25 2:12:36 am 17.36 Mbps 2.17 MB/sComcast 6.3 MB6982519627 OE6FUFLQ5 
2/9/25 2:12:32 am 79.87 Mbps 9.98 MB/sComcast 75.5 MB6982519627 _zfOgLr3s 
2/9/25 2:05:11 am 23.13 Mbps 2.89 MB/sComcast 18.6 MB6982519627 BDdMw59FL 
2/9/25 2:04:58 am 81.79 Mbps 10.22 MB/sComcast 76.4 MB6982519627 dXvK-KFlH 
2/9/25 2:00:02 am 22.72 Mbps 2.84 MB/sComcast 18.6 MB6982519627 xeBhRGhWE 
2/9/25 1:59:50 am 82.5 Mbps 10.31 MB/sComcast 76.3 MB6982519627 FpyaB23aA 
2/9/25 1:57:38 am 23.21 Mbps 2.9 MB/sComcast 18.3 MB6982519627 TTGKMY9xm 
2/9/25 1:57:25 am 81.05 Mbps 10.13 MB/sComcast 82.2 MB6982519627 kptfCUDxL 
2/9/25 1:56:32 am 22.74 Mbps 2.84 MB/sComcast 19.1 MB6982519627 -mFEZx-2v 
2/9/25 1:56:19 am 79.96 Mbps 10 MB/sComcast 73 MB6982519627 W3XXFMhdd 
2/9/25 1:53:28 am 23.1 Mbps 2.89 MB/sComcast 19 MB6982519627 vDSx6BP6q 
2/9/25 1:53:15 am 73.08 Mbps 9.13 MB/sComcast 76.1 MB6982519627 kHdnZZyL3 
2/9/25 1:46:33 am 21.05 Mbps 2.63 MB/sComcast 18.7 MB6982519627 WfexnZrUO 
2/9/25 1:46:18 am 7 Mbps 0.88 MB/sComcast 86.9 MB6982519627 B7tBAMPgJ 
1/16/25 11:41:52 pm 25.65 Mbps 3.21 MB/sAstound 14.5 MB191286984288 R6xaYfvVl 
1/11/25 5:42:29 am 130.61 Mbps 16.33 MB/sComcast 61.9 MB63452720802587 rXLkDA4hi 
1/11/25 5:42:22 am 104.11 Mbps 13.01 MB/sComcast 83 MB63452720802587 GE5h9kQwx 
1/11/25 5:42:00 am 158.08 Mbps 19.76 MB/sComcast 64.8 MB63452720802587 4HAoj5Z2m 
** Partial Results: The most recent results have been displayed.
Graphed results calculation
Displaying Internet Speed Test results for City Glen Ellyn IL