Glen Saint Mary F Speed Test Log



Min 1.74 Mbps : 0.18 Mbps


Median 41.91 Mbps : 3.14 Mbps


Max 102.66 Mbps : 91.74 Mbps


Minimum: 1.74 Mbps : 0.18 Mbps


Median: 41.91 Mbps : 3.14 Mbps


Maximum: 102.66 Mbps : 91.74 Mbps
1 to 25 of 4484** for City Glen Saint Mary F
Speed Provider Size User ConnectID  TestID
8/18/24 7:05:48 pm 60.5 Mbps 7.56 MB/sCwavefiber 40.1 MB6164654970341 8YknT6SFD 
8/13/24 11:55:29 pm 1.74 Mbps 0.22 MB/sCwavefiber 50 MB637997103856 LQxHOA7NO 
8/8/24 10:06:04 pm 89.14 Mbps 11.14 MB/sCwavefiber 39 MB6164654970341 5_5~EsUJM 
8/8/24 10:01:34 pm 24.46 Mbps 3.06 MB/sCwavefiber 7 MB6164654970341 qbv5RhcBd 
8/8/24 10:01:20 pm 28.19 Mbps 3.52 MB/sCwavefiber 19.5 MB6164654970341 z6vVjuPiF 
7/5/24 7:07:28 pm 54.61 Mbps 6.83 MB/sCwavefiber 88.1 MB63799766331 Qtx6vgRir 
7/4/24 1:22:56 am 66.56 Mbps 8.32 MB/sCwavefiber 63.8 MB70357613875 t7uQ9LWPr 
7/4/24 1:22:44 am 99.84 Mbps 12.48 MB/sCwavefiber 59.7 MB70357613875 EWzed8crU 
7/4/24 1:22:30 am 2.34 Mbps 0.29 MB/sCwavefiber 3.4 MB70357613875 K0xFe7vlD 
7/4/24 1:22:13 am 102.25 Mbps 12.78 MB/sCwavefiber 62.8 MB70357613875 wjoZURGgz 
7/4/24 1:21:59 am 3.14 Mbps 0.39 MB/sCwavefiber 3.5 MB70357613875 ICOlM8uRT 
7/4/24 1:21:44 am 102.66 Mbps 12.83 MB/sCwavefiber 83.1 MB70357613875 dQAwRhs0h 
7/4/24 1:21:30 am 46.24 Mbps 5.78 MB/sCwavefiber 19.4 MB70357613875 -tSJNx23o 
7/4/24 1:21:22 am 2.5 Mbps 0.31 MB/sCwavefiber 2.4 MB70357613875 Ql81SWwGF 
7/4/24 1:21:08 am 91.74 Mbps 11.47 MB/sCwavefiber 64.5 MB70357613875 PGVo802Aa 
6/23/24 3:45:00 pm 0.19 Mbps 0.02 MB/sCwavefiber 96 kB616465721239 GLhdPk1rY 
6/23/24 2:48:24 pm 0.18 Mbps 0.02 MB/sCwavefiber 96 kB616465721239 PG8dCj_Px 
6/23/24 2:08:45 pm 1.78 Mbps 0.22 MB/sCwavefiber 1.6 MB616465721239 EIdeLImcC 
6/17/24 9:54:29 pm 54.25 Mbps 6.78 MB/sCwavefiber 57.8 MB6164654970341 wDl6IWYFO 
6/17/24 9:54:13 pm 86.96 Mbps 10.87 MB/sCwavefiber 41.1 MB6164654970341 uKb7q_JS8 
6/16/24 8:28:05 pm 14.8 Mbps 1.85 MB/sCwavefiber 24 MB6164654970341 isOFo7-Ve 
6/16/24 8:19:11 pm 29.21 Mbps 3.65 MB/sCwavefiber 84 MB6164654970341 U1MPCvChG 
6/16/24 8:17:50 pm 29.04 Mbps 3.63 MB/sCwavefiber 89.7 MB6164654970341 h9AjNmYkL 
6/16/24 8:17:07 pm 22.52 Mbps 2.82 MB/sCwavefiber 81.4 MB6164654970341 xYPE-rcnI 
6/15/24 10:12:18 pm 62.2 Mbps 7.77 MB/sCwavefiber 82.5 MB6164654970341 gxx_pJuUF 
** Partial Results: The most recent results have been displayed. Results over 50 Mbps are highlighted.
Graphed results calculation
Displaying Internet Speed Test results for City Glen Saint Mary F