Gouda ZH Speed Test Log













1 to 25 of 3047** for City Gouda ZH
Speed Provider Size User ConnectID  TestID
1/16/25 1:08:00 pm 8.82 Mbps 1.1 MB/sBlackgate 5.7 MB423959850604 tE17x96Ux 
1/16/25 1:07:50 pm 1.63 Mbps 0.2 MB/sBlackgate 2.4 MB423959850604 YN5YYexwP 
1/7/25 10:56:30 pm 0.83 Mbps 0.1 MB/sT Mobile 848 kB799766309528 szN0zyuw_ 
1/7/25 10:56:17 pm 9.27 Mbps 1.16 MB/sT Mobile 6.9 MB799766309528 eZKzEtpl5 
1/4/25 10:43:08 am 173.59 Mbps 21.7 MB/sCaiw 77.2 MB12950865445280 m5HAmFNxA 
12/31/24 6:51:59 pm 125.43 Mbps 15.68 MB/sT Mobile 82.9 MB8358041774172 j4CJYX-4p 
12/31/24 5:20:51 pm 9.45 Mbps 1.18 MB/sT Mobile 6.8 MB799766309528 fFKqZnxkP 
12/31/24 12:28:52 am 347.64 Mbps 43.46 MB/sScortel Srl 100 MB789621896420 UjaUFXqxj 
12/31/24 12:28:40 am 369.22 Mbps 46.15 MB/sScortel Srl 100 MB789621896420 gPwvEFIxx 
12/31/24 12:28:31 am 355 Mbps 44.37 MB/sScortel Srl 100 MB789621896420 yeb1t0dyz 
12/31/24 12:28:11 am 745.94 Mbps 93.24 MB/sScortel Srl 200 MB789621896420 OnXMv2ReS 
12/29/24 7:15:27 pm 13.13 Mbps 1.64 MB/sT Mobile 13.2 MB8358041681550 cq7Q0Kpx3 
12/27/24 9:54:40 pm 510.26 Mbps 63.78 MB/sKpn 100 MB7077299975081 98OXFno8p 
12/27/24 9:54:32 pm 349.24 Mbps 43.65 MB/sKpn 100 MB7077299975081 tDRJaImM6 
12/27/24 9:54:28 pm 455.66 Mbps 56.96 MB/sKpn 100 MB7077299975081 OfbcIK71x 
12/27/24 9:54:24 pm 494.9 Mbps 61.86 MB/sKpn 100 MB7077299975081 4uFfm_Usl 
12/27/24 9:54:17 pm 320.67 Mbps 40.08 MB/sKpn 100 MB7077299975081 rhTjhxjUv 
12/27/24 9:53:53 pm 850.67 Mbps 106.33 MB/sKpn 200 MB7077299975081 q6ZUCKdTq 
12/23/24 10:24:59 am 153.48 Mbps 19.18 MB/sT Mobile 64.8 MB780815246281 3Bg-CgAjI 
12/23/24 10:24:52 am 140.82 Mbps 17.6 MB/sT Mobile 43.1 MB780815246281 nXxBh50cV 
12/23/24 10:24:38 am 130.14 Mbps 16.27 MB/sT Mobile 100 MB780815246281 dAkf8-hUI 
12/23/24 10:24:22 am 67.2 Mbps 8.4 MB/sT Mobile 2.2 MB780815246281 GcXRnLkUw 
12/23/24 10:24:20 am 62.67 Mbps 7.83 MB/sT Mobile 2.2 MB780815246281 4N7PWw8xC 
12/23/24 10:24:16 am 63.53 Mbps 7.94 MB/sT Mobile 2.2 MB780815246281 CqB2RYo75 
12/19/24 8:52:55 am 3.38 Mbps 0.42 MB/sRoutit 5.5 MB77257397266 POVBgPHTY 
** Partial Results: The most recent results have been displayed.
Graphed results calculation
Displaying Internet Speed Test results for City Gouda ZH