Hazard KY Speed Test Log













1 to 25 of 4107** for City Hazard KY
Speed Provider Size User ConnectID  TestID
2/20/25 6:56:53 am 55.91 Mbps 6.99 MB/sWindstream 26.2 MB615704690932 g9OkLgqlX 
2/20/25 6:48:00 am 56.01 Mbps 7 MB/sWindstream 25.3 MB615704690932 oKsMP5c4R 
2/14/25 6:06:39 pm 41.59 Mbps 5.2 MB/sThacker 20.6 MB70357317853 5CZ7mIFWG 
2/5/25 3:15:00 pm 41.24 Mbps 5.16 MB/sThacker 23.8 MB703573180032 9v9wRouyW 
2/5/25 3:14:08 pm 77.1 Mbps 9.64 MB/sThacker 81.2 MB703573180032 DtpKv4TDn 
2/4/25 2:16:50 pm 62.36 Mbps 7.79 MB/sArh Org 38.1 MB18174431482310 NlXb5o-VG 
2/4/25 2:16:34 pm 1.32 Mbps 0.17 MB/sArh Org 480 kB18174431482310 s1CoBLXzD 
2/3/25 4:02:05 am 49.48 Mbps 6.18 MB/sThacker 36.3 MB1912598282488 0fX-ogkqK 
2/3/25 4:01:54 am 133.2 Mbps 16.65 MB/sThacker 78.7 MB1912598282488 PXFyzY35p 
1/30/25 1:43:10 am 138.16 Mbps 17.27 MB/sThacker 64 MB1912598643344 I0NkRGxKI 
1/30/25 1:43:00 am 186.8 Mbps 23.35 MB/sThacker 69.7 MB1912598643344 aAmavdv4g 
1/23/25 11:22:26 am 49.39 Mbps 6.17 MB/sWindstream 79.9 MB615704639761 4ViuDm21A 
1/12/25 12:36:43 am 296.87 Mbps 37.11 MB/sThacker 74.6 MB70357325923 iX_ykF1GA 
1/4/25 2:26:54 am 130.17 Mbps 16.27 MB/sThacker 83.7 MB1912596630160 92m1fdrzQ 
12/28/24 4:15:52 pm 8.69 Mbps 1.09 MB/sWindstream 6.9 MB15881729038107 UnFz5smZr 
12/22/24 1:53:45 pm 246.22 Mbps 30.78 MB/sSpectrum 100 MB679887798802 rzeGS1xIl 
12/22/24 1:53:09 pm 218.9 Mbps 27.36 MB/sSpectrum 76.4 MB679887798802 MraLLJx6N 
11/13/24 5:40:14 pm 55.03 Mbps 6.88 MB/sThacker 22.1 MB191259786722 fmybWRIj6 
11/13/24 5:39:39 pm 90.95 Mbps 11.37 MB/sThacker 84.9 MB191259786722 uIX2lxHEP 
10/22/24 6:56:46 pm 22.27 Mbps 2.78 MB/sThacker 18.9 MB1912598648663 SsbnpMqQD 
10/22/24 6:56:46 pm 40.12 Mbps 5.02 MB/sThacker 37.1 MB1912598648663 hzEx_1csQ 
10/22/24 6:56:35 pm 62.36 Mbps 7.79 MB/sThacker 77.4 MB1912598648663 rjUITNDRf 
10/22/24 6:56:34 pm 32.84 Mbps 4.1 MB/sThacker 58.9 MB1912598648663 XiFYSMJWi 
10/22/24 6:56:30 pm 12.94 Mbps 1.62 MB/sThacker 6.3 MB1912598648663 YOdII_DBK 
10/22/24 6:56:24 pm 83.88 Mbps 10.48 MB/sThacker 65 MB1912598648663 0LKwTHW1V 
** Partial Results: The most recent results have been displayed.
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Displaying Internet Speed Test results for City Hazard KY