Inverness HLD Speed Test Log













1 to 25 of 5265** for City Inverness HLD
Speed Provider Size User ConnectID  TestID
1/15/25 8:12:20 pm 221.86 Mbps 27.73 MB/sHighland 100 MB17803490306920 xjC4VAj8e 
1/15/25 8:12:06 pm 214.11 Mbps 26.76 MB/sHighland 100 MB17803490306920 QL8viLqRQ 
1/15/25 8:11:21 pm 870.52 Mbps 108.82 MB/sHighland 200 MB17803490306920 4XMQGrZWF 
1/7/25 7:25:19 pm 19.31 Mbps 2.41 MB/sBt 14.9 MB1000907398951 OAb2Vora_ 
1/4/25 9:42:30 pm 509.68 Mbps 63.71 MB/sHighland 200 MB1780349032138 rVUF0UXEM 
12/18/24 4:53:33 pm 7.18 Mbps 0.9 MB/sBt 12 MB40831255852405 H4IKsyIZj 
12/17/24 11:43:37 am 109.29 Mbps 13.66 MB/sHighland 65.2 MB17803489663248 qylk3wszN 
12/16/24 11:33:03 am 83.05 Mbps 10.38 MB/sHighland 70.5 MB178034905577 1nlBxl81F 
12/16/24 11:29:49 am 92.12 Mbps 11.51 MB/sHighland 70.7 MB178034905577 KASdZl-pZ 
12/16/24 11:27:34 am 80.29 Mbps 10.04 MB/sHighland 63.4 MB178034905577 Lc6KXWwxo 
12/16/24 11:26:53 am 92.66 Mbps 11.58 MB/sHighland 69.1 MB178034905577 3c2UZ4cs_ 
12/13/24 9:35:55 pm 64.77 Mbps 8.1 MB/sBt 59.1 MB1368664492014 XCSZxvD-x 
12/13/24 9:35:23 pm 63.27 Mbps 7.91 MB/sBt 59.1 MB1368664492014 t_WvEOAJ6 
12/12/24 10:28:42 am 15.19 Mbps 1.9 MB/sEe 6.2 MB2065631798 X0upgIQxK 
12/12/24 10:28:36 am 66.47 Mbps 8.31 MB/sEe 72.3 MB2065631798 EiGamgwWo 
12/7/24 11:50:05 am 81.65 Mbps 10.21 MB/sHighland 72 MB178034905577 BKEfv13SC 
12/4/24 5:22:04 pm 41.51 Mbps 5.19 MB/sBt 37.1 MB27349261267199 DUZh8DKWn 
12/4/24 5:21:53 pm 123.18 Mbps 15.4 MB/sBt 80.7 MB27349261267199 Pxt-w5J49 
12/2/24 5:33:33 pm 192.52 Mbps 24.07 MB/sHighland 78.8 MB17803489666641 4xbxr0GXP 
12/2/24 5:33:26 pm 183.6 Mbps 22.95 MB/sHighland 78.8 MB17803489666641 iycWoTeVl 
12/2/24 1:20:28 am 187.43 Mbps 23.43 MB/sHighland 83.4 MB17803489666641 ajQgYcPcX 
12/2/24 1:20:21 am 186.33 Mbps 23.29 MB/sHighland 83.4 MB17803489666641 ylmzV_tGi 
12/2/24 1:19:56 am 188.18 Mbps 23.52 MB/sHighland 83.4 MB17803489666641 NQd7TFh0A 
12/2/24 1:19:28 am 194.62 Mbps 24.33 MB/sHighland 83.4 MB17803489666641 xKiW42B3e 
12/2/24 1:19:16 am 172.02 Mbps 21.5 MB/sHighland 80.6 MB17803489666641 9hIARML7c 
** Partial Results: The most recent results have been displayed.
Graphed results calculation
Displaying Internet Speed Test results for City Inverness HLD