Jambi City JA Speed Test Log













1 to 25 of 2286** for City Jambi City JA
Speed Provider Size User ConnectID  TestID
2/23/25 5:03:49 am 3.2 Mbps 0.4 MB/sXl Axiata 2.4 MB1029061258808 9kVVuxlj5 
2/23/25 5:03:34 am 4.33 Mbps 0.54 MB/sXl Axiata 2.4 MB1029061258808 DIZqlOi33 
2/22/25 10:47:23 am 5.72 Mbps 0.72 MB/sPt Telkom 7.1 MB1653008048588 x0iGeK7_l 
2/22/25 7:04:54 am 12.92 Mbps 1.61 MB/sPt Mora 6.8 MB1093438010000 hoBzikKjV 
2/21/25 9:32:10 am 31.12 Mbps 3.89 MB/sPt Telkom 23.4 MB16530080553773 rVJ8idmMF 
2/21/25 9:31:51 am 44.81 Mbps 5.6 MB/sPt Telkom 23.4 MB16530080553773 Fb5J2xOV8 
2/21/25 12:38:08 am 46.54 Mbps 5.82 MB/sPt Mora 23.9 MB10934380072153 oGHz3G6-Y 
2/21/25 12:37:47 am 47.14 Mbps 5.89 MB/sPt Mora 23.9 MB10934380072153 v0PylKtkc 
2/21/25 12:37:34 am 52.53 Mbps 6.57 MB/sPt Mora 23.9 MB10934380072153 bbqxbPAIh 
2/21/25 12:36:40 am 56.52 Mbps 7.06 MB/sPt Mora 75.5 MB10934380072153 J2rKU-Uwg 
2/21/25 12:35:31 am 57.67 Mbps 7.21 MB/sPt Mora 75.5 MB10934380072153 9_5FPJPc- 
2/20/25 3:33:30 pm 23.24 Mbps 2.91 MB/sPt Mora 50 MB10934380079764 F2tufVrif 
2/20/25 3:33:00 pm 30.4 Mbps 3.8 MB/sPt Mora 50 MB10934380079764 6GMWgDiD_ 
2/20/25 3:32:32 pm 41.12 Mbps 5.14 MB/sPt Mora 50 MB10934380079764 4WCoSnOP5 
2/20/25 7:15:42 am 3.51 Mbps 0.44 MB/sPt 2.4 MB9459773397536 0_L6xTahb 
2/20/25 7:15:11 am 18.19 Mbps 2.27 MB/sPt 23.5 MB9459773397536 YyuY9dNxA 
2/19/25 6:38:33 am 6.56 Mbps 0.82 MB/sPt Mora 2.5 MB10934380069585 hH9pVFerQ 
2/19/25 5:15:45 am 13.31 Mbps 1.66 MB/sPt Mora 14.4 MB10934380070410 ynBqAWyG9 
2/19/25 4:36:23 am 85.17 Mbps 10.65 MB/sPt Mora 63.5 MB10934380070410 -VLvLg2NU 
2/10/25 6:33:20 am 13.43 Mbps 1.68 MB/sPt Mora 2.4 MB1093438010734 PrqW3D-ap 
2/10/25 6:32:55 am 10.1 Mbps 1.26 MB/sPt Mora 2.4 MB1093438010734 hrJ3n_dyU 
2/10/25 6:32:25 am 5.26 Mbps 0.66 MB/sPt Mora 2.4 MB1093438010734 HYUhVN1js 
2/10/25 1:41:14 am 85.87 Mbps 10.73 MB/sMdlnet 60.8 MB9459043713314 CsWXNMaB5 
2/10/25 1:41:03 am 49.29 Mbps 6.16 MB/sMdlnet 14.3 MB9459043713314 LR7O53FQv 
2/6/25 7:28:40 am 25.28 Mbps 3.16 MB/sPt Mora 6.9 MB1093438011284 Bxex76U-e 
** Partial Results: The most recent results have been displayed.
Graphed results calculation
Displaying Internet Speed Test results for City Jambi City JA