Kingston PA Speed Test Log













1 to 25 of 6088** for City Kingston PA
Speed Provider Size User ConnectID  TestID
2/19/25 3:06:15 am 663.38 Mbps 82.92 MB/sComcast 200 MB49881496670041 cgww1fHbz 
2/19/25 3:06:07 am 361.17 Mbps 45.15 MB/sComcast 200 MB49881496670041 9leNd_SAG 
2/19/25 3:05:31 am 614.33 Mbps 76.79 MB/sComcast 200 MB49881496670041 VtsttZJs7 
1/12/25 3:59:10 pm 931.91 Mbps 116.49 MB/sComcast 200 MB159728789407 vB75hLEoP 
1/12/25 3:58:44 pm 69.03 Mbps 8.63 MB/sComcast 67.5 MB159728789407 WA330VvWx 
12/18/24 2:29:34 am 13.19 Mbps 1.65 MB/sComcast 6.2 MB462992103861 6xuyUfuyj 
12/18/24 2:29:28 am 169.49 Mbps 21.19 MB/sComcast 80.8 MB462992103861 la5jGV_bQ 
12/18/24 2:29:07 am 23.01 Mbps 2.88 MB/sComcast 18.4 MB462992103861 3vePML2rv 
12/17/24 2:38:07 am 425.23 Mbps 53.15 MB/sComcast 200 MB66600166549640 L27pyHJAU 
12/17/24 1:20:39 am 21.59 Mbps 2.7 MB/sComcast 18.5 MB32721001679725 ThAp0kBwz 
12/17/24 1:20:23 am 52.67 Mbps 6.58 MB/sComcast 82.8 MB32721001679725 byoNBGjro 
11/28/24 4:55:41 am 23.01 Mbps 2.88 MB/sComcast 18.4 MB84495664518426 fEu_x5RPx 
11/28/24 4:55:30 am 168.45 Mbps 21.06 MB/sComcast 63.6 MB84495664518426 7wIjJcJUz 
11/28/24 4:54:19 am 22.33 Mbps 2.79 MB/sComcast 18.4 MB84495664518426 GI0a8VZPK 
11/28/24 4:54:06 am 103.53 Mbps 12.94 MB/sComcast 77.6 MB84495664518426 rrnjPIuSq 
11/28/24 4:53:42 am 10.67 Mbps 1.33 MB/sComcast 18.6 MB84495664518426 4BzTqkINN 
11/19/24 5:27:47 am 12.31 Mbps 1.54 MB/sComcast 6.3 MB4168238813579 U2DuULK6L 
11/19/24 5:27:36 am 58.52 Mbps 7.31 MB/sComcast 25.4 MB4168238813579 qoKeLKsGw 
10/27/24 12:34:59 am 15.03 Mbps 1.88 MB/sComcast 6.2 MB63567014814701 LcjvJnZu0 
10/27/24 12:34:49 am 35.34 Mbps 4.42 MB/sComcast 23.9 MB63567014814701 vmCAfvqwS 
10/14/24 8:22:58 pm 59.84 Mbps 7.48 MB/sComcast 25.4 MB25771768345485 pWFu4DrWT 
10/14/24 6:16:12 pm 21.18 Mbps 2.65 MB/sComcast 18.4 MB44831901794825 nCziJaC5H 
10/14/24 6:15:58 pm 52.87 Mbps 6.61 MB/sComcast 56.8 MB44831901794825 0Dxg3tggW 
10/14/24 6:09:18 pm 20.43 Mbps 2.55 MB/sComcast 18.9 MB44831901794825 NJ2Qnsxxn 
10/14/24 6:08:58 pm 42.51 Mbps 5.31 MB/sComcast 23.4 MB44831901794825 -EbRE1tlS 
** Partial Results: The most recent results have been displayed.
Graphed results calculation
Displaying Internet Speed Test results for City Kingston PA