La Victoria D Speed Test Log













1 to 25 of 1197** for City La Victoria D
Speed Provider Size User ConnectID  TestID
2/19/25 8:53:50 pm 18.99 Mbps 2.37 MB/sCorporacion 22.6 MB17505720592 _lLTgF4nT 
2/19/25 8:16:21 pm 15.79 Mbps 1.97 MB/sCorporacion 2.5 MB17505720592 7T9aXBzo4 
2/19/25 8:14:21 pm 24.1 Mbps 3.01 MB/sCorporacion 2.5 MB17505720592 19cR85VEF 
2/19/25 8:14:17 pm 49.5 Mbps 6.19 MB/sCorporacion 2.5 MB17505720592 rNygkEjDG 
2/19/25 8:14:13 pm 5.74 Mbps 0.72 MB/sCorporacion 2.5 MB17505720592 KJK6s4a39 
2/19/25 8:04:54 pm 13.12 Mbps 1.64 MB/sCorporacion 15 MB17505720592 KW1jULvQW 
2/19/25 8:04:25 pm 6.27 Mbps 0.78 MB/sCorporacion 2.4 MB17505720592 MvUEZgXw6 
2/19/25 8:04:05 pm 6.83 Mbps 0.85 MB/sCorporacion 2.2 MB17505720592 7tgzLMXGj 
2/19/25 5:41:52 pm 15.43 Mbps 1.93 MB/sCorporacion 14.4 MB17505720592 AuF4Nkzqw 
2/19/25 5:41:00 pm 6.21 Mbps 0.78 MB/sCorporacion 2.4 MB17505720592 AVCL7qVgP 
2/19/25 3:43:23 am 15.49 Mbps 1.94 MB/sCorporacion 14.3 MB17505720592 7Txe9LyYC 
2/19/25 3:04:26 am 11.28 Mbps 1.41 MB/sCorporacion 23.6 MB17505720592 ESKWmW5x- 
2/19/25 3:00:19 am 14.59 Mbps 1.82 MB/sCorporacion 7.3 MB17505720592 Jxi8K7k5O 
2/19/25 3:00:02 am 7.11 Mbps 0.89 MB/sCorporacion 2.4 MB17505720592 rriainX4B 
2/19/25 2:59:31 am 0.26 Mbps 0.03 MB/sCorporacion 422 kB17505720592 bY1LRMFhU 
2/19/25 2:58:29 am 4.81 Mbps 0.6 MB/sCorporacion 4.9 MB17505720592 tPNiwR1Fz 
2/19/25 2:57:07 am 1 Mbps 0.13 MB/sCorporacion 480 kB17505720592 L466gKwft 
2/19/25 1:49:36 am 16.58 Mbps 2.07 MB/sCorporacion 14.5 MB17505720592 V2ePhIBcM 
2/19/25 1:49:26 am 6.09 Mbps 0.76 MB/sCorporacion 14.5 MB17505720592 raHeAG2pQ 
2/18/25 1:24:45 am 6.51 Mbps 0.81 MB/sCorporacion 7.7 MB17505720592 nkP5b1LDe 
2/18/25 1:23:55 am 19.66 Mbps 2.46 MB/sCorporacion 6.3 MB17505720592 Jx0GcMbnx 
2/18/25 1:21:52 am 8.06 Mbps 1.01 MB/sCorporacion 13.9 MB17505720592 x05fDTj9A 
2/16/25 10:15:41 pm 13.67 Mbps 1.71 MB/sCorporacion 6.7 MB17505720592 xvvLMeUZ5 
2/15/25 6:10:28 am 18.21 Mbps 2.28 MB/sCorporacion 12.8 MB17505720592 -p6oLDNFm 
2/15/25 6:09:37 am 6.44 Mbps 0.81 MB/sCorporacion 2.5 MB17505720592 zT7XjcnY0 
** Partial Results: The most recent results have been displayed.
Graphed results calculation
Displaying Internet Speed Test results for City La Victoria D