Manati PR Speed Test Log













1 to 25 of 13432** for City Manati PR
Speed Provider Size User ConnectID  TestID
2/17/25 8:39:06 pm 3.94 Mbps 0.49 MB/sLiberty 5 MB2246967671 E9YbW0e0g 
2/17/25 8:38:45 pm 1.01 Mbps 0.13 MB/sLiberty 480 kB2246967671 d31SAv_mg 
2/17/25 8:37:13 pm 2.82 Mbps 0.35 MB/sLiberty 1.3 MB2246967671 9PsyAW4ju 
2/17/25 8:37:06 pm 1.25 Mbps 0.16 MB/sLiberty 480 kB2246967671 hXVed9UHv 
2/17/25 8:35:14 pm 7.2 Mbps 0.9 MB/sLiberty 3.8 MB2246967671 wEv39Is04 
2/17/25 8:34:59 pm 0.69 Mbps 0.09 MB/sLiberty 2.5 MB2246967671 V3SaHCqFV 
2/11/25 12:32:56 pm 6.58 Mbps 0.82 MB/sLiberty 6.3 MB22469682982 gyudXhDV9 
2/11/25 12:32:45 pm 71.01 Mbps 8.88 MB/sLiberty 57.4 MB22469682982 -0z7ksBKc 
2/10/25 3:28:19 pm 85.8 Mbps 10.72 MB/sDm Wireless 73.3 MB47805057165 FKFGNEcgW 
2/9/25 11:42:39 pm 10.83 Mbps 1.35 MB/sDm Wireless 6.2 MB1827187746868 2sOYIwKVm 
2/9/25 11:42:28 pm 36.6 Mbps 4.58 MB/sDm Wireless 24.7 MB1827187746868 0QglxRvxx 
2/8/25 12:16:10 am 10.43 Mbps 1.3 MB/sLiberty 6.2 MB22469694536 YSSROTsMc 
2/8/25 12:16:00 am 243.12 Mbps 30.39 MB/sLiberty 67.1 MB22469694536 eqHQfx_ZU 
2/8/25 12:15:42 am 0.25 Mbps 0.03 MB/sLiberty 96 kB22469694536 lfij9qJQe 
2/7/25 8:51:12 pm 0.22 Mbps 0.03 MB/sDm Wireless 480 kB1890852689112 LQ5F0gjNh 
2/6/25 11:45:26 pm 10.97 Mbps 1.37 MB/sLiberty 6.2 MB22469694536 O60FcKSRI 
2/6/25 11:45:17 pm 207.25 Mbps 25.91 MB/sLiberty 141 MB22469694536 8R2yTrZ6t 
2/6/25 4:06:15 pm 12.96 Mbps 1.62 MB/sLiberty 6.2 MB22469694536 lkACp_heV 
2/6/25 4:06:06 pm 579.55 Mbps 72.44 MB/sLiberty 200 MB22469694536 g_Ua94xQ3 
2/5/25 9:24:12 pm 10.79 Mbps 1.35 MB/sLiberty 6.1 MB22469694536 Cak7Khu1Y 
2/5/25 9:23:55 pm 532.98 Mbps 66.62 MB/sLiberty 200 MB22469694536 NE7Nh_6Ax 
2/5/25 7:46:49 pm 187.8 Mbps 23.47 MB/sLiberty 137 MB22469694536 r_m4x5-Os 
2/5/25 7:42:57 pm 7.21 Mbps 0.9 MB/sLiberty 6.1 MB22469694536 47MxyZN7S 
2/5/25 7:42:43 pm 3.39 Mbps 0.42 MB/sLiberty 2.5 MB22469694536 AdRt4rgRW 
2/5/25 7:42:25 pm 8.28 Mbps 1.03 MB/sLiberty 6.1 MB22469694536 E-nWxkm5g 
** Partial Results: The most recent results have been displayed.
Graphed results calculation
Displaying Internet Speed Test results for City Manati PR