Manchester CT Speed Test Log













1 to 25 of 8862** for City Manchester CT
Speed Provider Size User ConnectID  TestID
2/27/25 3:31:52 am 261.79 Mbps 32.72 MB/sFrontier 77.9 MB2954723041068 gulJAjpdv 
2/25/25 5:50:18 am 35.28 Mbps 4.41 MB/sFrontier 36.4 MB295478196132 B7ZPxtXfw 
2/25/25 5:50:06 am 31.11 Mbps 3.89 MB/sFrontier 80.7 MB295478196132 EbcQRIZbO 
2/14/25 2:50:30 am 332.49 Mbps 41.56 MB/sFrontier 100 MB2954641695972 toV8xgEnc 
2/14/25 2:50:24 am 799.74 Mbps 99.97 MB/sFrontier 201 MB2954641695972 2H8SrA4AX 
2/14/25 2:50:13 am 330.91 Mbps 41.36 MB/sFrontier 100 MB2954641695972 EzTT_4LTw 
2/14/25 2:50:06 am 751.25 Mbps 93.91 MB/sFrontier 201 MB2954641695972 Xm1O2iW2q 
2/14/25 2:49:44 am 263.96 Mbps 32.99 MB/sFrontier 100 MB2954641695972 H_zSIaX9S 
2/14/25 2:49:37 am 613.66 Mbps 76.71 MB/sFrontier 200 MB2954641695972 AmTQZ4IJS 
2/13/25 8:35:33 pm 667.08 Mbps 83.38 MB/sFrontier 200 MB2954642344046 w1Ao-DV6H 
2/6/25 1:31:45 am 59.86 Mbps 7.48 MB/sT Mobile USA 37.1 MB48757713566683 _wTnxrMha 
2/6/25 1:31:36 am 170.27 Mbps 21.28 MB/sT Mobile USA 85.7 MB48757713566683 QZ801eB0u 
2/6/25 1:31:17 am 62.1 Mbps 7.76 MB/sT Mobile USA 36.8 MB48757713566683 6CQo5xSLR 
2/6/25 1:31:08 am 332.46 Mbps 41.56 MB/sT Mobile USA 85.5 MB48757713566683 RbgC69HbH 
2/6/25 1:30:39 am 55.2 Mbps 6.9 MB/sT Mobile USA 37.1 MB48757713566683 a8VdcTKZM 
2/6/25 1:30:30 am 322.33 Mbps 40.29 MB/sT Mobile USA 200 MB48757713566683 LxV1BkhUg 
2/6/25 1:29:58 am 61.3 Mbps 7.66 MB/sT Mobile USA 35.9 MB48757713566683 -a1v5tXay 
2/6/25 1:29:49 am 211.64 Mbps 26.46 MB/sT Mobile USA 84.7 MB48757713566683 gC6vgL1Ga 
2/2/25 7:59:26 pm 237.5 Mbps 29.69 MB/sFrontier 100 MB295464194996 Cz0PcIVk5 
2/2/25 7:59:21 pm 276.94 Mbps 34.62 MB/sFrontier 200 MB295464194996 ys-4kaClH 
1/18/25 4:58:34 pm 51.13 Mbps 6.39 MB/sT Mobile USA 38.3 MB62834100733879 TZydf5Jqr 
1/18/25 4:58:23 pm 249.5 Mbps 31.19 MB/sT Mobile USA 76 MB62834100733879 qT5sD6JFG 
1/18/25 3:12:06 pm 55.67 Mbps 6.96 MB/sT Mobile USA 37.4 MB70786599562849 d8ZYBqCih 
1/18/25 3:11:56 pm 323.55 Mbps 40.44 MB/sT Mobile USA 83.2 MB70786599562849 YhCt2NtE9 
1/18/25 3:11:26 pm 31.01 Mbps 3.88 MB/sT Mobile USA 19.4 MB70786599562849 jigLJjXfN 
** Partial Results: The most recent results have been displayed.
Graphed results calculation
Displaying Internet Speed Test results for City Manchester CT