Mountain Ash GB Speed Test Log













1 to 25 of 630** for City Mountain Ash GB
Speed Provider Size User ConnectID  TestID
9/14/18 9:12:40 pm 13.09 Mbps 1.64 MB/sServerspace 44.4 MB47568949165 lWmjIK7i1 
8/17/18 5:11:43 pm 6.41 Mbps 0.8 MB/sEe Mobile 4.8 MB1001228802576 h3ma0GgPv 
8/17/18 5:11:34 pm 31.84 Mbps 3.98 MB/sEe Mobile 35.5 MB1001228802576 S3TsLE1PK 
8/16/18 4:00:25 pm 6.47 Mbps 0.81 MB/sEe Mobile 6.2 MB1001228802576 5T0udsbo5 
8/16/18 4:00:12 pm 36.81 Mbps 4.6 MB/sEe Mobile 31.6 MB1001228802576 6t4Bw31gz 
8/14/18 12:39:18 am 0.48 Mbps 0.06 MB/sTalktalk 1.3 MB807971367809 iQyuXjs8J 
7/7/18 12:30:18 am 8.08 Mbps 1.01 MB/sBt 6.2 MB7899601497941 Br0hDluck 
7/7/18 12:30:08 am 29.01 Mbps 3.63 MB/sBt 44.4 MB7899601497941 I6fMa1vGd 
7/1/18 7:59:32 am 0.56 Mbps 0.07 MB/sServerspace 1.3 MB4756900975 7TLl3eyjm 
6/30/18 9:23:07 pm 46.51 Mbps 5.81 MB/sServerspace 84.6 MB4756900975 g3q61m2kb 
6/28/18 7:13:53 pm 2.84 Mbps 0.36 MB/sServerspace 3.7 MB4756900975 loT9pWdrV 
6/28/18 7:13:33 pm 46.27 Mbps 5.78 MB/sServerspace 81.6 MB4756900975 27jhKveAl 
6/26/18 5:08:14 pm 2.38 Mbps 0.3 MB/sSky 6.2 MB8272744954251 80I_yjE~Y 
6/26/18 5:07:20 pm 4.59 Mbps 0.57 MB/sSky 6.1 MB8272744954251 rvthGAKqE 
6/26/18 5:05:31 pm 2.38 Mbps 0.3 MB/sSky 6.2 MB8272744954251 HrqjsZa4- 
6/17/18 2:43:14 pm 4.89 Mbps 0.61 MB/sServerspace 5.2 MBCalanthe47568949073 wfcQRFnWE 
6/17/18 2:42:58 pm 65.39 Mbps 8.17 MB/sServerspace 153 MBCalanthe47568949073 ziwTvISHx 
6/17/18 2:38:18 pm 4.92 Mbps 0.62 MB/sServerspace 5.7 MBCalanthe47568949073 xS05s42Yy 
6/17/18 2:38:02 pm 65.52 Mbps 8.19 MB/sServerspace 200 MBCalanthe47568949073 H4fFjB0hI 
6/17/18 2:33:18 pm 4.87 Mbps 0.61 MB/sServerspace 5 MBCalanthe47568949073 7od0QrT4x 
6/17/18 2:33:01 pm 63.86 Mbps 7.98 MB/sServerspace 200 MBCalanthe47568949073 pcrYlPiOR 
6/17/18 2:28:15 pm 4.87 Mbps 0.61 MB/sServerspace 5.1 MBCalanthe47568949073 hliMSfdbt 
6/17/18 2:27:59 pm 69.99 Mbps 8.75 MB/sServerspace 200 MBCalanthe47568949073 J5OyH4W8z 
6/17/18 2:23:07 pm 4.94 Mbps 0.62 MB/sServerspace 5.8 MBCalanthe47568949073 e3mjHwE0A 
6/17/18 2:22:51 pm 75.19 Mbps 9.4 MB/sServerspace 200 MBCalanthe47568949073 Bsp9oFCAR 
** Partial Results: The most recent results have been displayed. Results over 50 Mbps are highlighted.
Graphed results calculation
Displaying Internet Speed Test results for City Mountain Ash GB