Mtarfa MT Speed Test Log













1 to 25 of 105** for City Mtarfa MT
Speed Provider Size User ConnectID  TestID
8/24/18 8:17:18 am 3.11 Mbps 0.39 MB/sGo Plc 4.6 MB42293755723 IXYPT60Qe 
8/24/18 8:16:34 am 2.51 Mbps 0.31 MB/sGo Plc 4.6 MB42293755723 568eP9er0 
8/24/18 8:12:17 am 1 Mbps 0.12 MB/sGo Plc 1 MB42293755723 S5pwT_iBO 
8/20/18 3:08:24 pm 62.78 Mbps 7.85 MB/sMelita 100 MB84598812637 iWgxMg_oi 
8/20/18 3:07:49 pm 5.49 Mbps 0.69 MB/sMelita 6.8 MB84598812637 --OtmEVyH 
8/20/18 3:07:00 pm 55.84 Mbps 6.98 MB/sMelita 36.9 MB84598812637 Ru2fdww5W 
8/20/18 3:06:31 pm 55.78 Mbps 6.97 MB/sMelita 31.9 MB84598812637 VbItp8j34 
8/7/18 5:33:58 pm 5.16 Mbps 0.65 MB/sMelita 5.5 MB845988015166 6vFidUgOx 
8/7/18 5:33:42 pm 60.44 Mbps 7.55 MB/sMelita 57.5 MB845988015166 1Dcn4J~dY 
8/7/18 5:33:11 pm 59.7 Mbps 7.46 MB/sMelita 31.8 MB845988015166 __l7KV9a5 
7/14/18 1:06:48 pm 30.05 Mbps 3.76 MB/sGo Plc 43.1 MB42293757832 uqWUy9iNw 
12/21/17 10:03:44 pm 10.66 Mbps 1.33 MB/sGo Plc 44.5 MB422863793908 x0Gwz5b67 
10/8/17 9:00:46 pm 8.17 Mbps 1.02 MB/sGo Plc 6.3 MB716519901626 feTtJS7mx 
10/4/17 7:16:44 am 10.76 Mbps 1.34 MB/sGo Plc 6 MB716519908137 PEWGkC9Ja 
10/4/17 7:16:31 am 125.32 Mbps 15.67 MB/sGo Plc 111 MB716519908137 XHCvOVKgl 
10/4/17 7:15:59 am 109.53 Mbps 13.69 MB/sGo Plc 52.1 MB716519908137 lQUoX7Mbx 
10/4/17 7:15:39 am 105.43 Mbps 13.18 MB/sGo Plc 200 MB716519908137 VPYBSAz9m 
10/4/17 7:15:03 am 130.48 Mbps 16.31 MB/sGo Plc 96.8 MB716519908137 wd3IbTaho 
10/1/17 7:59:19 pm 2.15 Mbps 0.27 MB/sGo Plc 1.3 MB4228729311 ZgN7LFSjo 
10/1/17 7:59:06 pm 1.59 Mbps 0.2 MB/sGo Plc 5.7 MB4228729311 52qkeoPZO 
7/1/17 11:16:48 am 9.79 Mbps 1.22 MB/sGo Plc 18.5 MB716519909971 2xaQDB3kz 
6/12/17 5:17:00 pm 32.45 Mbps 4.06 MB/sGo Plc 31.6 MB716519907678 pfMyGRo0t 
2/4/17 4:19:27 pm 93.86 Mbps 11.73 MB/sMelita Plc 127 MB808860624276 RmxHUduh1 
10/19/16 7:16:40 pm 43.01 Mbps 5.38 MB/sMelita Plc 47.6 MB808860624735 QVXMWq07J 
10/19/16 7:04:40 pm 49.44 Mbps 6.18 MB/sMelita Plc 43 MB808860624735 5LUjF7G6C 
** Partial Results: The most recent results have been displayed. Results over 50 Mbps are highlighted.
Graphed results calculation
Displaying Internet Speed Test results for City Mtarfa MT