North Bend WA Speed Test Log













1 to 25 of 2878** for City North Bend WA
Speed Provider Size User ConnectID  TestID
2/21/25 6:42:40 pm 598.35 Mbps 74.79 MB/sComcast 200 MB33167518516919 sC5u3Df8j 
2/21/25 4:23:00 am 395.75 Mbps 49.47 MB/sComcast 200 MB33167518516919 oF6uyTOoK 
2/20/25 6:21:31 pm 578.15 Mbps 72.27 MB/sComcast 200 MB72036070002662 BNY8twIxv 
2/20/25 3:14:01 am 653.31 Mbps 81.66 MB/sComcast 200 MB72036070002662 dg15o8Msf 
2/19/25 11:04:38 pm 412.07 Mbps 51.51 MB/sComcast 200 MB23324880815087 6R-zejzSU 
2/19/25 5:17:14 pm 320.97 Mbps 40.12 MB/sComcast 200 MB23324880815087 ReUStxhfe 
2/19/25 5:46:02 am 23.96 Mbps 2.99 MB/sComcast 15.4 MB23324880815087 oaZYYdx0j 
2/19/25 2:34:53 am 741.76 Mbps 92.72 MB/sComcast 187 MB23324880815087 VSleHcx6n 
2/19/25 1:11:59 am 532.81 Mbps 66.6 MB/sComcast 200 MB74090409488578 0SUxNhV0e 
2/19/25 12:17:16 am 407.77 Mbps 50.97 MB/sComcast 200 MB74090409488578 6Ubra9xPI 
2/18/25 10:58:32 pm 20.97 Mbps 2.62 MB/sComcast 18.4 MB74090409488578 3LqzDL5t7 
2/18/25 10:58:20 pm 130.01 Mbps 16.25 MB/sComcast 74.8 MB74090409488578 XyKvuf0qO 
2/18/25 10:55:26 pm 205.54 Mbps 25.69 MB/sComcast 72.2 MB6982923893120 UO7fygUsg 
2/18/25 5:00:52 pm 27.96 Mbps 3.5 MB/sComcast 13.4 MB34135913526438 tEHI2xTaN 
2/17/25 11:18:07 pm 2.01 Mbps 0.25 MB/sComcast 2.2 MB2361471498834 xgnqAnbWo 
2/17/25 8:38:07 pm 2.71 Mbps 0.34 MB/sComcast 2.2 MB2361471498834 mMaQ36aJs 
2/17/25 6:02:13 pm 7.54 Mbps 0.94 MB/sComcast 2.3 MB2361471498834 DQy02oKga 
2/17/25 4:16:42 am 17.45 Mbps 2.18 MB/sComcast 7.6 MB74875452297810 JBx5hBgON 
2/16/25 9:51:47 pm 13.39 Mbps 1.67 MB/sComcast 14.5 MB6982923893120 KcM-20bbf 
2/16/25 6:57:07 pm 5.89 Mbps 0.74 MB/sComcast 2.4 MB74875452297810 7SYzlxG_d 
2/16/25 6:11:46 am 14.98 Mbps 1.87 MB/sComcast 6.3 MB74875452297810 bBAx9E6fU 
2/16/25 4:32:54 am 22.31 Mbps 2.79 MB/sComcast 6.6 MB74875452297810 DQrnwbNLa 
2/16/25 1:51:48 am 37.55 Mbps 4.69 MB/sComcast 14.7 MB34130124950666 Pv4x6CkT7 
2/16/25 12:11:06 am 25.92 Mbps 3.24 MB/sComcast 23.8 MB34130124950666 ocoW_ay3D 
2/15/25 10:22:16 pm 8.63 Mbps 1.08 MB/sComcast 2.3 MB34130124950666 wOxDIx0zD 
** Partial Results: The most recent results have been displayed.
Graphed results calculation
Displaying Internet Speed Test results for City North Bend WA