Pomona NJ Speed Test Log



Min 1.01 Mbps : 1.19 Mbps


Median 5.48 Mbps : 3.1 Mbps


Max 39.37 Mbps : 55.42 Mbps


Minimum: 1.01 Mbps : 1.19 Mbps


Median: 5.48 Mbps : 3.1 Mbps


Maximum: 39.37 Mbps : 55.42 Mbps
1 to 25 of 110** for City Pomona NJ
Speed Provider Size User ConnectID  TestID
10/23/17 12:05:20 am 1.19 Mbps 0.15 MB/sThe Richard 1.4 MB1230772324762 lftDzmBxT 
9/26/17 11:41:48 pm 1.01 Mbps 0.13 MB/sThe Richard 1.3 MB12307652595273 ATrEqLPQi 
9/16/17 10:23:41 pm 1.44 Mbps 0.18 MB/sThe Richard 1.3 MB123076985293 3fRDJw8dE 
9/16/17 10:21:48 pm 1.19 Mbps 0.15 MB/sThe Richard 1.3 MB12307654151586 GzpP1AerT 
9/15/17 5:08:41 pm 1.24 Mbps 0.16 MB/sThe Richard 1.3 MB1230765417136 fB6AsyMLV 
9/15/17 5:07:32 pm 1.15 Mbps 0.14 MB/sThe Richard 1.3 MB12307697407 LxZ7POHu8 
9/11/17 2:54:31 pm 3.1 Mbps 0.39 MB/sThe Richard 4.3 MB12307697407 g9zNDoCvB 
9/8/17 2:14:06 pm 2.07 Mbps 0.26 MB/sThe Richard 200 MB12307697407 QIM8Rhw27 
9/8/17 1:19:11 pm 1.57 Mbps 0.2 MB/sThe Richard 1.3 MB12307697407 xSQgyqVFd 
6/28/17 2:51:26 pm 39.03 Mbps 4.88 MB/sThe Richard 25.5 MB12307654151494 Mex63qPl8 
6/28/17 2:48:44 pm 55.42 Mbps 6.93 MB/sThe Richard 71.5 MB1230764251575 gp98QCc3u 
6/28/17 2:36:11 pm 16.33 Mbps 2.04 MB/sThe Richard 13.3 MB1230765417136 Hge41Atb6 
11/30/16 5:41:27 am 18.79 Mbps 2.35 MB/sComcast 36.8 MB672117888091 5_Z0qT-Ya 
11/29/16 4:17:19 am 22.54 Mbps 2.82 MB/sComcast 37 MB672117888091 MBketS-_D 
11/29/16 4:13:36 am 25.54 Mbps 3.19 MB/sComcast 42.9 MB672117888091 HoIEAUj_B 
10/19/16 4:41:27 pm 39.37 Mbps 4.92 MB/sThe Richard 43.1 MB12307642411878 SQRBfAkyh 
10/19/16 4:40:04 pm 7.86 Mbps 0.98 MB/sThe Richard 6.2 MB12307642411878 WbOA2ZsF4 
10/19/16 4:39:20 pm 9.39 Mbps 1.17 MB/sThe Richard 6.2 MB12307642411878 NDxLbqsTp 
10/18/16 12:02:53 am 3.1 Mbps 0.39 MB/sThe Richard 25.1 MB1230771219266 gtLiwoxA9 
10/17/16 11:59:30 pm 1.54 Mbps 0.19 MB/sThe Richard 1.5 MB1230771219266 TmczSiARU 
9/5/16 6:28:15 pm 1.34 Mbps 0.17 MB/sThe Richard 1.7 MB123077163016 VXrGEh2DU 
9/5/16 6:27:11 pm 1.32 Mbps 0.17 MB/sThe Richard 1.8 MB123077163016 E8m3GNtj7 
7/29/16 12:13:16 am 4.49 Mbps 0.56 MB/sComcast 2.3 MB67211787916 vPOYh3gpG 
7/29/16 12:12:50 am 13.5 Mbps 1.69 MB/sComcast 31.8 MB67211787916 wvB0H14bK 
4/27/16 7:10:57 pm 14.52 Mbps 1.82 MB/sComcast 18.4 MB6891232071102 yNaYXFUx9 
** Partial Results: The most recent results have been displayed. Results over 50 Mbps are highlighted.
Graphed results calculation
Displaying Internet Speed Test results for City Pomona NJ