Saint Simons ISLA Speed Test Log



Min 0.05 Mbps : 5.72 Mbps


Median 53.66 Mbps : 22.87 Mbps


Max 1003.21 Mbps : 33.56 Mbps


Minimum: 0.05 Mbps : 5.72 Mbps


Median: 53.66 Mbps : 22.87 Mbps


Maximum: 1003.21 Mbps : 33.56 Mbps
1 to 25 of 6301** for City Saint Simons ISLA
Speed Provider Size User ConnectID  TestID
8/12/24 3:01:14 pm 42.25 Mbps 5.28 MB/sComcast 25.4 MB76391901955375 l-jCZ0gQ- 
8/8/24 9:29:29 pm 5.72 Mbps 0.72 MB/sComcast 6 MB6068732562079 GfJPPYoZM 
8/8/24 9:29:16 pm 29.23 Mbps 3.65 MB/sComcast 24 MB6068732562079 NpRzGe5q4 
8/6/24 10:14:17 pm 7.69 Mbps 0.96 MB/sComcast 2.4 MB24953348758799 X6psNWwU5 
8/6/24 10:14:05 pm 7.21 Mbps 0.9 MB/sComcast 2.4 MB24953348758799 CXx4v9o52 
8/6/24 10:10:14 pm 6.55 Mbps 0.82 MB/sComcast 2.4 MB24953348758799 kJQHYAX5c 
8/6/24 10:06:20 pm 19.76 Mbps 2.47 MB/sComcast 13.2 MB24953348758799 _IcqBDnhR 
8/6/24 9:53:01 pm 0.05 Mbps 0.01 MB/sComcast 96 kB24953348758799 G5QjxDo0w 
8/6/24 9:47:51 pm 0.48 Mbps 0.06 MB/sComcast 480 kB24953348758799 X9FPQnovS 
7/13/24 2:02:15 am 415.13 Mbps 51.89 MB/sComcast 200 MB7011852584137 DOMjUUrd4 
7/13/24 12:51:00 am 65.06 Mbps 8.13 MB/sComcast 74.5 MB616139111837 vx9AH7xHk 
6/30/24 2:03:33 pm 1003.21 Mbps 125.4 MB/sComcast 200 MB671501719010 liO9i6pT_ 
6/30/24 2:03:03 pm 996.06 Mbps 124.51 MB/sComcast 200 MB671501719010 WgUy9TE1x 
5/28/24 1:59:03 pm 6.5 Mbps 0.81 MB/sAtt Internet 2.1 MB90880927308 jgLweZZgM 
4/21/24 2:33:14 am 33.56 Mbps 4.2 MB/sComcast 38.3 MB40681448122048 vys65oYzt 
4/21/24 2:33:00 am 123.37 Mbps 15.42 MB/sComcast 62 MB40681448122048 ozsPLccZh 
4/20/24 7:57:44 am 22.95 Mbps 2.87 MB/sComcast 18.6 MB20404427102953 _5dB60pqf 
4/20/24 7:57:33 am 144.45 Mbps 18.06 MB/sComcast 72.2 MB20404427102953 RFsxvZbU1 
4/20/24 7:47:43 am 22.92 Mbps 2.86 MB/sComcast 18.9 MB20404427102953 -TlvZuSdf 
4/20/24 7:47:32 am 143.72 Mbps 17.97 MB/sComcast 75.5 MB20404427102953 PoY-abqUm 
4/20/24 7:37:43 am 22.66 Mbps 2.83 MB/sComcast 18.7 MB20404427102953 Dglppk0F6 
4/20/24 7:37:32 am 139.09 Mbps 17.39 MB/sComcast 86.5 MB20404427102953 q-d1-WFrA 
4/20/24 7:27:42 am 22.87 Mbps 2.86 MB/sComcast 18.8 MB20404427102953 HJMHOe94H 
4/20/24 7:27:31 am 140.83 Mbps 17.6 MB/sComcast 85 MB20404427102953 AvNDat-xC 
4/20/24 7:17:42 am 22.67 Mbps 2.83 MB/sComcast 18.9 MB20404427102953 uW5JK-cZm 
** Partial Results: The most recent results have been displayed. Results over 50 Mbps are highlighted.
Graphed results calculation
Displaying Internet Speed Test results for City Saint Simons ISLA