Santa Isabel PR Speed Test Log













1 to 25 of 2535** for City Santa Isabel PR
Speed Provider Size User ConnectID  TestID
2/17/25 10:48:43 pm 27.61 Mbps 3.45 MB/sLiberty 18.8 MB68057267142 eJwrmC4KC 
2/17/25 10:48:28 pm 420.22 Mbps 52.53 MB/sLiberty 200 MB68057267142 URiTJax5b 
2/17/25 10:48:05 pm 25.68 Mbps 3.21 MB/sLiberty 18.8 MB68057267142 J8-sdlyYx 
2/17/25 10:47:51 pm 258.71 Mbps 32.34 MB/sLiberty 91.3 MB68057267142 7W1LTWv_z 
2/17/25 7:53:14 am 521.55 Mbps 65.19 MB/sLiberty 200 MB68057267142 FKox_QdG4 
2/17/25 7:49:29 am 1167.15 Mbps 145.89 MB/sLiberty 200 MB68057267142 kdaxMy3Ql 
2/17/25 3:23:49 am 458.69 Mbps 57.34 MB/sLiberty 200 MB68057267142 VqKxROwyd 
2/15/25 8:27:58 pm 424.9 Mbps 53.11 MB/sLiberty 200 MB68057267142 o20XgKGP1 
2/15/25 7:41:48 pm 310.52 Mbps 38.82 MB/sLiberty 200 MB68057267142 0I1vXbzUd 
2/15/25 7:19:48 pm 441.44 Mbps 55.18 MB/sLiberty 200 MB68057267142 3F6uHFxQE 
2/15/25 7:09:14 pm 480.08 Mbps 60.01 MB/sLiberty 200 MB68057267142 xuiPV3wHQ 
2/15/25 7:03:57 pm 449.24 Mbps 56.16 MB/sLiberty 200 MB68057267142 1ib7Ezs9W 
2/15/25 7:03:28 pm 419.07 Mbps 52.38 MB/sLiberty 200 MB68057267142 tO4tTVQQh 
2/14/25 1:17:32 am 330.13 Mbps 41.27 MB/sLiberty 200 MB68057267142 9hmsIpgZj 
2/14/25 12:32:27 am 341.13 Mbps 42.64 MB/sLiberty 200 MB68057267142 -LXXC_Exz 
2/13/25 7:23:37 pm 330.91 Mbps 41.36 MB/sLiberty 200 MB68057267142 hYNqFxDmE 
2/13/25 5:57:07 pm 382.23 Mbps 47.78 MB/sLiberty 200 MB68057267142 eaIIA8MSR 
2/13/25 5:42:41 pm 350.68 Mbps 43.84 MB/sLiberty 200 MB68057267142 nUrFxPdZB 
2/13/25 5:38:25 pm 289.52 Mbps 36.19 MB/sLiberty 200 MB68057267142 1QQw8fx2y 
2/13/25 12:17:56 pm 368.55 Mbps 46.07 MB/sLiberty 200 MB68057267142 hMd0IvdpO 
2/13/25 9:06:44 am 447.56 Mbps 55.95 MB/sLiberty 200 MB68057267142 xhl4wqt-v 
2/13/25 9:06:19 am 387.52 Mbps 48.44 MB/sLiberty 200 MB68057267142 SX22P1Rbl 
2/12/25 6:49:04 pm 770.24 Mbps 96.28 MB/sLiberty 200 MB68057267142 hO20oP_bM 
2/11/25 1:42:08 pm 27.9 Mbps 3.49 MB/sWorldnet 24.3 MB595086916581 NLqaLlakb 
2/11/25 1:41:49 pm 32.9 Mbps 4.11 MB/sWorldnet 24.3 MB595086916581 QmknYzmpq 
** Partial Results: The most recent results have been displayed.
Graphed results calculation
Displaying Internet Speed Test results for City Santa Isabel PR