Seabrook TX Speed Test Log



Min 15.07 Mbps : 0.05 Mbps


Median 43.4 Mbps : 21.57 Mbps


Max 887.55 Mbps : 31.8 Mbps


Minimum: 15.07 Mbps : 0.05 Mbps


Median: 43.4 Mbps : 21.57 Mbps


Maximum: 887.55 Mbps : 31.8 Mbps
1 to 25 of 4386** for City Seabrook TX
Speed Provider Size User ConnectID  TestID
8/30/24 5:33:53 am 0.05 Mbps 0.01 MB/sComcast 96 kB74507785742464 roSXWfVbW 
7/18/24 6:54:52 pm 26.63 Mbps 3.33 MB/sComcast 14.3 MB80349647904186 lxinNrqeV 
7/18/24 6:26:09 pm 29.79 Mbps 3.72 MB/sComcast 73.4 MB75585059904750 VdVPc-ixV 
7/18/24 6:22:03 pm 27.82 Mbps 3.48 MB/sComcast 13.9 MB75585059904750 LVLVZ_BVU 
7/18/24 6:18:03 pm 18.61 Mbps 2.33 MB/sComcast 6.7 MB45042075297045 7959wt1p8 
7/18/24 6:17:45 pm 26.4 Mbps 3.3 MB/sComcast 14.1 MB45042075297045 MGpceJlci 
7/16/24 10:39:30 am 513.26 Mbps 64.16 MB/sAtt Internet 200 MB57138384945043 kHN6NSDOe 
7/16/24 10:38:54 am 458.82 Mbps 57.35 MB/sAtt Internet 200 MB57138384945043 90ABRuAew 
7/11/24 1:54:02 am 22.87 Mbps 2.86 MB/sComcast 18.7 MB15972236867181 xRXqQCldL 
7/11/24 1:53:50 am 887.55 Mbps 110.94 MB/sComcast 200 MB15972236867181 YtBJR-kXT 
6/13/24 3:15:05 pm 108.47 Mbps 13.56 MB/sZscaler 81.4 MB15151860768072 FRQ0xUHEu 
6/8/24 2:37:58 am 15.07 Mbps 1.88 MB/sComcast 7.2 MB25013848924578 DNRx-a_8O 
6/5/24 2:53:06 am 11.5 Mbps 1.44 MB/sComcast 7.8 MB11246468808247 s9AiRBhUL 
6/5/24 2:52:14 am 57.32 Mbps 7.16 MB/sComcast 23.5 MB11246468808247 Ez8doxeFn 
5/31/24 10:35:55 pm 7.8 Mbps 0.98 MB/sComcast 6.5 MB34378649932493 5fgeVYY_C 
5/31/24 9:47:39 pm 22.05 Mbps 2.76 MB/sComcast 18.8 MB69617498206327 -NsIsXbaJ 
5/31/24 9:47:26 pm 168.76 Mbps 21.09 MB/sComcast 83.2 MB69617498206327 axEIhnIEt 
5/25/24 1:02:12 pm 40.76 Mbps 5.09 MB/sComcast 24.2 MB23944663633625 w-M0Tt2oS 
5/25/24 12:50:10 pm 43.4 Mbps 5.43 MB/sComcast 25.3 MB64534437991618 JdV02hea3 
5/24/24 1:55:05 am 31.8 Mbps 3.97 MB/sComcast 23.8 MB900482850903 ND7RnqL5k 
5/24/24 1:54:52 am 37.6 Mbps 4.7 MB/sComcast 12.7 MB900482850903 TapjTOG2D 
5/23/24 8:39:52 pm 49.1 Mbps 6.14 MB/sComcast 25.3 MB56384934431756 L3iVjBvhW 
5/23/24 8:39:00 pm 30.85 Mbps 3.86 MB/sComcast 19.1 MB56384934431756 BXUGNuxBw 
5/23/24 8:38:49 pm 54.92 Mbps 6.86 MB/sComcast 23.6 MB56384934431756 PM_NmOuyN 
5/9/24 10:30:20 pm 21.09 Mbps 2.64 MB/sComcast 23.5 MB2409677956681 yEA5nbsBR 
** Partial Results: The most recent results have been displayed. Results over 50 Mbps are highlighted.
Graphed results calculation
Displaying Internet Speed Test results for City Seabrook TX