Spring Valley CA Speed Test Log













1 to 25 of 14156** for City Spring Valley CA
Speed Provider Size User ConnectID  TestID
2/17/25 11:55:54 pm 45.89 Mbps 5.74 MB/sCox 36.8 MB6293018847 Jxwn8ECqk 
2/17/25 11:55:41 pm 345.79 Mbps 43.22 MB/sCox 201 MB6293018847 lTaW-UxYe 
2/17/25 11:40:31 pm 45.19 Mbps 5.65 MB/sCox 37 MB6293018847 fWx-x2I41 
2/17/25 11:40:19 pm 95.66 Mbps 11.96 MB/sCox 39 MB6293018847 QqLKniAFp 
2/16/25 7:41:52 pm 2.92 Mbps 0.37 MB/sCox 1.6 MB624517428861 A28B9LPFf 
2/7/25 8:53:05 pm 95.21 Mbps 11.9 MB/sCox Business 63.5 MB6256999820969 F7MBPrAND 
2/7/25 8:52:57 pm 272.91 Mbps 34.11 MB/sCox Business 79.6 MB6256999820969 BerXPleQl 
2/7/25 7:57:56 pm 103.46 Mbps 12.93 MB/sCox Business 63.6 MB6256999820969 3YEnJUI7x 
2/7/25 7:57:49 pm 115.52 Mbps 14.44 MB/sCox Business 54.5 MB6256999820969 QlOHh-0sD 
2/6/25 4:55:01 am 48.46 Mbps 6.06 MB/sCox 37.1 MB6293018847 yF6nD5wf2 
2/6/25 4:54:49 am 84.27 Mbps 10.53 MB/sCox 39 MB6293018847 LTrvV~gvs 
2/6/25 4:53:33 am 46.56 Mbps 5.82 MB/sCox 37 MB6293018847 pi1Vk0CPQ 
2/6/25 4:53:20 am 146.09 Mbps 18.26 MB/sCox 91.6 MB6293018847 WAq6O1DDN 
2/6/25 4:52:33 am 123.71 Mbps 15.46 MB/sCox 131 MB6293018847 FkqdqD4Zw 
2/5/25 10:28:32 pm 3.55 Mbps 0.44 MB/sCox 1.5 MB2177064136095 wWKbKOW0I 
2/5/25 10:28:23 pm 10.23 Mbps 1.28 MB/sCox 1.5 MB2177064136095 EYBiluFHe 
2/5/25 10:28:11 pm 0.74 Mbps 0.09 MB/sCox 1.5 MB2177064136095 yRSAQ1oVH 
2/5/25 10:27:50 pm 22.93 Mbps 2.87 MB/sCox 1.5 MB2177064136095 2P3cxMyPL 
2/5/25 10:27:45 pm 21.24 Mbps 2.66 MB/sCox 1.5 MB2177064136095 0pCIKnclF 
2/5/25 10:27:35 pm 1.35 Mbps 0.17 MB/sCox 1.5 MB2177064136095 oZZiD3aqj 
2/5/25 10:27:19 pm 0.95 Mbps 0.12 MB/sCox 480 kB2177064136095 in9Wn1K_j 
2/5/25 10:27:10 pm 0.57 Mbps 0.07 MB/sCox 480 kB2177064136095 Vb1hHa59w 
2/5/25 10:19:50 pm 32.64 Mbps 4.08 MB/sCox 85.7 MB2177064136095 9kfVtYqWO 
2/5/25 9:10:12 pm 114 Mbps 14.25 MB/sCox 60.7 MB39373090614575 0YelO7y6A 
2/5/25 9:03:22 pm 9.28 Mbps 1.16 MB/sCox 6.8 MBMeyerland3957044673920 ip8dxcr7I 
** Partial Results: The most recent results have been displayed.
Graphed results calculation
Displaying Internet Speed Test results for City Spring Valley CA