Stuart FL Speed Test Log













1 to 25 of 15179** for City Stuart FL
Speed Provider Size User ConnectID  TestID
2/20/25 2:31:40 am 31.94 Mbps 3.99 MB/sHotwire 23.4 MB12306634488688 jkZdxTbNa 
2/19/25 11:54:11 am 290.28 Mbps 36.29 MB/sAtt Internet 50 MB33964968336289 Oev8BkNZZ 
2/16/25 10:04:55 pm 286.58 Mbps 35.82 MB/sComcast 89.4 MB698215638708 8XLUmXizk 
2/16/25 8:25:48 pm 341.13 Mbps 42.64 MB/sComcast 89.4 MB698215638708 S039lx_mq 
2/11/25 8:32:45 pm 2.5 Mbps 0.31 MB/sVerizon 1.3 MB1597737635219 QYrQ4TwOo 
2/11/25 8:32:38 pm 2.19 Mbps 0.27 MB/sVerizon 1.4 MB1597737635219 onCG_GEC5 
2/5/25 2:05:22 pm 38.82 Mbps 4.85 MB/sHotwire 22.9 MB615725335309 sgvzfxxV8 
2/1/25 3:55:21 pm 53.43 Mbps 6.68 MB/sHotwire 21.6 MB12306634487679 VgX8WzxVi 
1/30/25 12:29:59 pm 2.88 Mbps 0.36 MB/sAtt Business 1.3 MB1115138074582 cGNwpBPeo 
1/30/25 12:29:54 pm 1.92 Mbps 0.24 MB/sAtt Business 2.2 MB1115138074582 4eQnYjuti 
1/29/25 2:16:16 am 142.4 Mbps 17.8 MB/sComcast 59.5 MB68370949752854 iIeDF1Fpl 
1/25/25 7:22:45 pm 150.07 Mbps 18.76 MB/sComcast 200 MB6706990980 u3fTr5ExG 
1/25/25 7:22:22 pm 155.23 Mbps 19.4 MB/sComcast 100 MB6706990980 looWKczcw 
1/18/25 3:17:45 pm 39.17 Mbps 4.9 MB/sComcast 37.9 MB6695938504 YHixybhsS 
1/18/25 3:17:34 pm 422.02 Mbps 52.75 MB/sComcast 200 MB6695938504 Kap6b8wA9 
1/9/25 4:26:48 pm 55.82 Mbps 6.98 MB/sHotwire 14.2 MB12306634491990 _P2EUbBgQ 
1/9/25 12:58:24 am 411.36 Mbps 51.42 MB/sComcast 200 MB16000959166 -Nsx7_d6L 
1/7/25 8:52:33 pm 456.57 Mbps 57.07 MB/sComcast 200 MB69821560227 C2E-WZiyO 
1/7/25 8:51:20 pm 19.59 Mbps 2.45 MB/sComcast 13.8 MB69821560227 pc7k6MvTx 
1/7/25 8:50:59 pm 447.92 Mbps 55.99 MB/sComcast 200 MB69821560227 BnBgdZy_K 
1/7/25 8:47:26 pm 437.19 Mbps 54.65 MB/sComcast 200 MB69821560227 sLQXS6aEN 
1/7/25 8:46:46 pm 18.26 Mbps 2.28 MB/sComcast 22.4 MB69821560227 EytJbg2Ho 
1/7/25 8:46:06 pm 414.31 Mbps 51.79 MB/sComcast 200 MB69821560227 WWwpOOsuP 
1/7/25 8:45:33 pm 442.14 Mbps 55.27 MB/sComcast 200 MB69821560227 YIIw-7ctw 
1/4/25 6:08:27 pm 201.37 Mbps 25.17 MB/sIts Fiber 88.7 MB60711118271 r662AV9RB 
** Partial Results: The most recent results have been displayed.
Graphed results calculation
Displaying Internet Speed Test results for City Stuart FL