The Bottom SA Speed Test Log













1 to 25 of 3075** for City The Bottom SA
Speed Provider Size User ConnectID  TestID
2/17/25 11:50:56 pm 85.1 Mbps 10.64 MB/sSatel Nv 60 MB1751287147522 5fBOdaO7q 
2/17/25 11:50:14 pm 86.95 Mbps 10.87 MB/sSatel Nv 60 MB1751287147522 PGzO04V-- 
2/16/25 10:55:26 pm 34.86 Mbps 4.36 MB/sSatel Nv 20.9 MB1751287318551 S7xNdXknd 
2/16/25 10:55:11 pm 37.67 Mbps 4.71 MB/sSatel Nv 20.9 MB1751287318551 PKn3n_tN_ 
2/16/25 10:27:35 pm 35.3 Mbps 4.41 MB/sSatel Nv 14.2 MB1751287318551 xwuP4IJAU 
2/8/25 1:57:31 am 34.91 Mbps 4.36 MB/sSatel Nv 13.6 MB1751287318551 -efm7llxJ 
1/25/25 12:10:52 pm 36.07 Mbps 4.51 MB/sSatel Nv 57.3 MB1751287318551 ukCAYLqY5 
1/25/25 12:09:05 pm 35.58 Mbps 4.45 MB/sSatel Nv 22.5 MB1751287318551 lR2errZUC 
1/25/25 12:03:44 pm 36.76 Mbps 4.59 MB/sSatel Nv 24.1 MB1751287318551 OCfB9S0Zb 
1/24/25 9:06:12 pm 35.99 Mbps 4.5 MB/sSatel Nv 23.7 MB1751287318551 yFPpEvEzl 
1/22/25 10:01:00 pm 40.5 Mbps 5.06 MB/sSatel Nv 24.8 MB1751287147614 xxAHMEUbT 
1/22/25 10:00:52 pm 39.86 Mbps 4.98 MB/sSatel Nv 24.8 MB1751287147614 qX1D7s_r2 
1/22/25 10:00:41 pm 42.18 Mbps 5.27 MB/sSatel Nv 24.8 MB1751287147614 EfpSItSo3 
1/22/25 10:00:27 pm 0.46 Mbps 0.06 MB/sSatel Nv 448 kB1751287147614 kxkRjqRjm 
1/22/25 9:59:55 pm 177.73 Mbps 22.22 MB/sSatel Nv 79.2 MB1751287147614 4UTlkqHZt 
1/19/25 9:17:06 pm 36.26 Mbps 4.53 MB/sSatel Nv 59 MB1751287318551 WHEJCp6CD 
1/18/25 4:23:33 pm 34.86 Mbps 4.36 MB/sSatel Nv 37.6 MB1751287147614 fbW0sPxK_ 
1/18/25 4:23:19 pm 173.21 Mbps 21.65 MB/sSatel Nv 62.9 MB1751287147614 PLeRsRwsS 
1/18/25 4:23:02 pm 0.55 Mbps 0.07 MB/sSatel Nv 1.3 MB1751287147614 6Whqq-2Vj 
1/18/25 4:22:40 pm 163 Mbps 20.38 MB/sSatel Nv 77.6 MB1751287147614 sY9-c7zV7 
1/18/25 4:21:42 pm 42.13 Mbps 5.27 MB/sSatel Nv 38.3 MB1751287147614 DlZo__puw 
1/18/25 4:21:31 pm 169.92 Mbps 21.24 MB/sSatel Nv 79.7 MB1751287147614 vZkdPdPP3 
1/18/25 4:21:17 pm 42.13 Mbps 5.27 MB/sSatel Nv 37.8 MB1751287147614 w31scQc5z 
1/18/25 4:21:05 pm 173.2 Mbps 21.65 MB/sSatel Nv 85 MB1751287147614 L-nLL2GWg 
1/10/25 1:53:23 pm 36.91 Mbps 4.61 MB/sSatel Nv 26.1 MB1751287318551 lDtYEGy-k 
** Partial Results: The most recent results have been displayed.
Graphed results calculation
Displaying Internet Speed Test results for City The Bottom SA