Westland MI Speed Test Log













1 to 25 of 17512** for City Westland MI
Speed Provider Size User ConnectID  TestID
1/18/25 12:57:40 pm 209.74 Mbps 26.22 MB/sAtt Internet 201 MBthomunderwood98305479951 BfiwB1nnh 
1/18/25 5:12:32 am 976.84 Mbps 122.11 MB/sAtt Internet 201 MBthomunderwood98305479951 ORAT10FJR 
1/17/25 9:56:48 pm 4.11 Mbps 0.51 MB/sComcast 2.5 MB11406688404971 twxLxgkC2 
1/17/25 9:56:34 pm 7.75 Mbps 0.97 MB/sComcast 2.5 MB11406688404971 0fvEjVewu 
1/17/25 2:10:21 pm 499.66 Mbps 62.46 MB/sComcast 200 MB221256172591 qgzfmG4l5 
1/17/25 7:58:29 am 1237.19 Mbps 154.65 MB/sAtt Internet 201 MBthomunderwood98305479951 qk12ELn-N 
1/16/25 7:59:07 pm 239.83 Mbps 29.98 MB/sWideopenwest 83.8 MB213497585433 BaU7fUSdB 
1/15/25 5:02:01 pm 23.26 Mbps 2.91 MB/sWideopenwest 18.8 MB615792748139 kzQSRJ6Ry 
1/15/25 5:01:48 pm 328.79 Mbps 41.1 MB/sWideopenwest 90 MB615792748139 gGsnwkdeH 
1/15/25 4:27:43 pm 32.01 Mbps 4 MB/sComcast 18.9 MB460806527977 QKYdhlzrq 
1/15/25 4:27:33 pm 418.44 Mbps 52.31 MB/sComcast 200 MB460806527977 yAGZ-3tnp 
1/15/25 4:27:11 pm 35.7 Mbps 4.46 MB/sComcast 18.8 MB460806527977 TK7ylyIT9 
1/15/25 4:27:01 pm 447.56 Mbps 55.95 MB/sComcast 200 MB460806527977 R9QkMKayS 
1/15/25 4:26:19 pm 39.28 Mbps 4.91 MB/sComcast 36.4 MB460806527977 ROfYPGS6o 
1/15/25 4:26:08 pm 64.39 Mbps 8.05 MB/sComcast 23.7 MB460806527977 PTThcZSoj 
1/12/25 10:36:46 pm 231.17 Mbps 28.9 MB/sWideopenwest 86.5 MB213497585433 xXGJW5lss 
1/6/25 5:05:19 pm 22.41 Mbps 2.8 MB/sComcast 24 MB460806527977 p3ra-6Q1E 
1/6/25 3:58:58 pm 22.35 Mbps 2.79 MB/sComcast 19.3 MB460806527977 eFELGRaFc 
1/6/25 3:58:45 pm 346.63 Mbps 43.33 MB/sComcast 200 MB460806527977 FClVspsP3 
1/6/25 3:56:42 pm 21.28 Mbps 2.66 MB/sComcast 24 MB460806527977 YoaHrduP7 
1/6/25 3:56:25 pm 259.47 Mbps 32.43 MB/sComcast 81.9 MB460806527977 311_XGAQP 
1/5/25 8:50:50 pm 108.47 Mbps 13.56 MB/sAtt Internet 201 MBthomunderwood98305479951 IRBTkibzv 
1/5/25 8:50:31 pm 135.71 Mbps 16.96 MB/sAtt Internet 66.1 MBthomunderwood98305479951 K-Z56ieom 
1/5/25 5:01:29 am 28.93 Mbps 3.62 MB/sAtt Internet 20.3 MBthomunderwood98305479951 xKRp72F0U 
1/1/25 12:42:25 am 88.78 Mbps 11.1 MB/sWideopenwest 84.4 MB6252323729431 wlwnmCFxx 
** Partial Results: The most recent results have been displayed.
Graphed results calculation
Displaying Internet Speed Test results for City Westland MI