Wimbledon MRT Speed Test Log













1 to 25 of 8034** for City Wimbledon MRT
Speed Provider Size User ConnectID  TestID
2/21/25 1:48:40 am 19.49 Mbps 2.44 MB/sVirgin Media 18.8 MB75531887758 7haxDclH1 
2/21/25 1:48:27 am 125.53 Mbps 15.69 MB/sVirgin Media 87.3 MB75531887758 bepUu6Cra 
2/19/25 12:42:25 am 47.23 Mbps 5.9 MB/sVirgin Media 18.6 MB714941864440 HHb3hyRzy 
2/19/25 12:42:18 am 471.58 Mbps 58.95 MB/sVirgin Media 200 MB714941864440 QDKC6mtpW 
2/19/25 12:40:11 am 45.39 Mbps 5.67 MB/sVirgin Media 63.5 MB714941864440 8Q3Mo_cw0 
2/19/25 12:39:55 am 491.04 Mbps 61.38 MB/sVirgin Media 200 MB714941864440 MhKzJZT9M 
2/19/25 12:31:04 am 63.57 Mbps 7.95 MB/sVirgin Media 61.5 MB714941864440 KxywW4Rx7 
2/19/25 12:30:52 am 470.26 Mbps 58.78 MB/sVirgin Media 200 MB714941864440 Nm8ou7VpE 
2/17/25 9:56:18 pm 27.81 Mbps 3.48 MB/sVirgin Media 15 MB753640610941 VpiKtMGJj 
2/17/25 5:18:35 pm 2.11 Mbps 0.26 MB/sTalktalk 1.2 MB19266725803 XTBaJDxKw 
2/14/25 12:16:47 am 185.88 Mbps 23.23 MB/sVirgin Media 75.5 MB751630168970 IM3dbNSpE 
2/12/25 8:56:23 pm 389.08 Mbps 48.64 MB/sVirgin Media 149 MB75364052957 fGxV7Z4gU 
2/12/25 8:55:50 pm 264.43 Mbps 33.05 MB/sVirgin Media 200 MB75364052957 n3fOBHZsG 
2/12/25 5:29:34 pm 19.16 Mbps 2.39 MB/sVirgin Media 6.6 MB71494201939 gC_xIkZFr 
2/10/25 10:28:56 pm 47.92 Mbps 5.99 MB/sPlusnet 21.9 MB1349404568821 VppSSjiJf 
2/6/25 7:12:06 pm 159.11 Mbps 19.89 MB/sVirgin Media 89.4 MB71494169109 S80WHlbDk 
2/6/25 7:08:33 pm 156.53 Mbps 19.57 MB/sVirgin Media 83.5 MB71494169109 p_WZLABq9 
2/2/25 5:20:30 pm 31.48 Mbps 3.93 MB/sVirgin Media 18.4 MB75531055908 ehdeiNp75 
2/2/25 5:20:21 pm 93.04 Mbps 11.63 MB/sVirgin Media 55.3 MB75531055908 rI_gFmMof 
2/2/25 1:12:52 pm 298.65 Mbps 37.33 MB/sVirgin Media 75.6 MB75345347667 DbVNh8knJ 
2/1/25 1:40:33 pm 49.59 Mbps 6.2 MB/sBt 21.8 MB46945894166955 6pHNFhJED 
2/1/25 1:40:20 pm 59.78 Mbps 7.47 MB/sBt 21.8 MB46945894166955 D119VZ-F7 
2/1/25 7:28:16 am 23.03 Mbps 2.88 MB/sVirgin Media 12.9 MB714942961132 wWfzPxaiy 
2/1/25 7:27:37 am 22.22 Mbps 2.78 MB/sVirgin Media 7.6 MB714942961132 8sxJUfEW0 
1/30/25 8:08:51 pm 161.26 Mbps 20.16 MB/sBt 57.6 MB80460853710253 UqUGb0G_0 
** Partial Results: The most recent results have been displayed.
Graphed results calculation
Displaying Internet Speed Test results for City Wimbledon MRT