Wright City MO Speed Test Log













1 to 25 of 2211** for City Wright City MO
Speed Provider Size User ConnectID  TestID
2/11/25 4:07:40 am 92.8 Mbps 11.6 MB/sSpectrum 84.8 MB62044348532439 RMcnbD8TT 
2/7/25 8:05:16 pm 2.28 Mbps 0.29 MB/sSpectrum 2.1 MB48159299192785 tmbKmi6MR 
1/4/25 11:26:56 pm 0.59 Mbps 0.07 MB/sCenturylink 303 kB62009691 Tt6eybjov 
12/27/24 12:12:05 am 215.01 Mbps 26.88 MB/sSpectrum 82.2 MB221760990658 JCLRIYZej 
11/20/24 4:23:38 pm 168.92 Mbps 21.11 MB/sCentral 61.4 MB1917597635396 bMRrexxtn 
11/20/24 4:23:33 pm 198.36 Mbps 24.79 MB/sCentral 74.5 MB1917597635396 lXdr08Q9x 
11/11/24 6:17:20 am 79.83 Mbps 9.98 MB/sAtt Business 62.3 MBbaseballjustin511218297159 OSEMwDqc5 
11/11/24 6:17:10 am 95.37 Mbps 11.92 MB/sAtt Business 80.7 MBbaseballjustin511218297159 1vAGGf421 
11/11/24 6:13:40 am 2.18 Mbps 0.27 MB/sAtt Business 1.3 MBbaseballjustin511218297159 _cYJFUlzY 
11/3/24 5:35:05 am 79.52 Mbps 9.94 MB/sAtt Business 60.3 MB11218297159 kWJezxF2q 
11/3/24 5:34:53 am 97.68 Mbps 12.21 MB/sAtt Business 72.6 MB11218297159 aUSuf0wMe 
11/3/24 5:32:45 am 69.52 Mbps 8.69 MB/sAtt Business 38.9 MB11218297159 lCtcB140a 
11/3/24 5:32:33 am 17.37 Mbps 2.17 MB/sAtt Business 7.4 MB11218297159 5LaTMdD8A 
9/30/24 12:14:42 am 153.21 Mbps 19.15 MB/sSpectrum 75.9 MB23046444557681 kxGHD3Wl6 
7/11/24 7:02:09 pm 1.99 Mbps 0.25 MB/sCenturylink 2 MB62002172 Xu_QrDWoX 
7/5/24 5:42:42 pm 31.45 Mbps 3.93 MB/sGateway 59.4 MB13773541482487 8mr9hQ__x 
3/26/24 6:25:07 pm 516.26 Mbps 64.53 MB/sSpectrum 200 MB65240176841 FJUfxfkrA 
3/11/24 5:57:32 am 14.4 Mbps 1.8 MB/sGateway 7.8 MB6069101765004 em6eXEkMn 
3/11/24 5:56:30 am 14.48 Mbps 1.81 MB/sGateway 14.4 MB6069101765004 cJWA-z4qW 
3/11/24 5:55:28 am 26.68 Mbps 3.34 MB/sGateway 14.4 MB6069101765004 tcIotsS_w 
1/27/24 12:53:31 pm 659.99 Mbps 82.5 MB/sT Mobile USA 200 MB59203124220880 1wgWjFn4t 
12/16/23 4:07:02 pm 8.83 Mbps 1.1 MB/sCenturylink 6.8 MB1596802832075 5-7SZDaKu 
12/16/23 3:58:03 pm 9.9 Mbps 1.24 MB/sCenturylink 6.7 MB1596802832075 uYurAsSxx 
12/16/23 3:55:41 pm 8.54 Mbps 1.07 MB/sCenturylink 2.3 MB1596802832075 MCxR0AfR9 
10/21/23 11:05:36 pm 9.18 Mbps 1.15 MB/sCenturylink 6.7 MB1596802829690 9rUI8KIDm 
** Partial Results: The most recent results have been displayed.
Graphed results calculation
Displaying Internet Speed Test results for City Wright City MO