Wuxi JS Speed Test Log













1 to 25 of 313** for City Wuxi JS
Speed Provider Size User ConnectID  TestID
12/30/24 2:39:57 pm 290.02 Mbps 36.25 MB/sChina Unicom 200 MB1127701758283 xz-TKzkxS 
12/27/24 6:12:46 am 19.33 Mbps 2.42 MB/sChina 12.4 MB45790113155 xx4OX0fOe 
12/27/24 6:12:20 am 4.98 Mbps 0.62 MB/sChina 21.5 MB45790113155 cCgo2Dq2B 
12/27/24 6:11:27 am 14.66 Mbps 1.83 MB/sChina 21.5 MB45790113155 tPW5k8nns 
12/19/24 12:06:43 am 113.52 Mbps 14.19 MB/sChina 84.5 MB18534467533 xmei6UBB5 
12/12/24 9:59:05 am 234.65 Mbps 29.33 MB/sChina Mobile 100 MB11022415371809 jys3-xqMJ 
12/12/24 9:58:49 am 116.43 Mbps 14.55 MB/sChina Mobile 59.1 MB11022415371809 vC3njEc8Y 
8/1/24 6:08:20 am 44.31 Mbps 5.54 MB/sChina Unicom 200 MB112770410946 Bh-wUnVnq 
6/25/24 2:02:34 am 1951.58 Mbps 243.95 MB/sChina 200 MB1853449384692 WvhFNuw2f 
6/5/24 7:25:18 am 20.99 Mbps 2.62 MB/sChina 85.9 MB1853448743221 vVfKbOeRI 
5/22/24 2:21:31 pm 210.57 Mbps 26.32 MB/sChina Mobile 76.4 MB1029302771767 CqvyQ8B_V 
1/31/24 1:27:14 pm 55.62 Mbps 6.95 MB/sCloudflare 25.5 MB59303370751558 17y6Pwd4O 
1/31/24 1:54:17 am 10.5 Mbps 1.31 MB/sChina 73.9 MB18534506323 Sq7eb9cJX 
1/15/24 2:13:25 pm 2 Mbps 0.25 MB/sCloudflare 2.3 MB59294200221652 d4DS3UXkY 
11/7/23 11:13:14 pm 4.54 Mbps 0.57 MB/sChina 2.5 MB108069110633 g13fMi0hA 
11/1/23 2:40:44 pm 0.13 Mbps 0.02 MB/sChina 96 kB108068013575 P8ync83Qq 
10/22/23 2:21:20 am 0.74 Mbps 0.09 MB/sChina Mobile 2.6 MB2050886691949 i67zHWBH0 
10/17/23 7:34:18 am 1.03 Mbps 0.13 MB/sChina Mobile 2.3 MB16825648592333 nMSJlnx74 
9/8/23 3:29:14 pm 3.47 Mbps 0.43 MB/sChina 2.5 MB16517247270015 zuTLntuJ8 
9/8/23 3:28:59 pm 2.94 Mbps 0.37 MB/sChina 2.5 MB16517247270015 jqBmUgk25 
9/8/23 3:28:23 pm 4.21 Mbps 0.53 MB/sChina 2.5 MB16517247270015 y0-31wBSG 
7/9/23 9:58:32 am 85.23 Mbps 10.65 MB/sChina Mobile 59.1 MB36098673968543 wPrLBm-jw 
6/30/23 2:57:40 am 30.89 Mbps 3.86 MB/sCloudflare 14.4 MB59877250639105 yimEb9-Wb 
5/22/23 4:18:33 am 1.84 Mbps 0.23 MB/sChina 6 MB53385836251 ybpIAhERF 
5/22/23 4:17:18 am 1.51 Mbps 0.19 MB/sChina 1023 kB53385836251 gqg_2xu9Y 
** Partial Results: The most recent results have been displayed.
Graphed results calculation
Displaying Internet Speed Test results for City Wuxi JS