Wyandotte MI Speed Test Log



Min 16.81 Mbps : 2.1 Mbps


Median 218.59 Mbps : 106.07 Mbps


Max 1114.45 Mbps : 226.54 Mbps


Minimum: 16.81 Mbps : 2.1 Mbps


Median: 218.59 Mbps : 106.07 Mbps


Maximum: 1114.45 Mbps : 226.54 Mbps
1 to 25 of 4146** for City Wyandotte MI
Speed Provider Size User ConnectID  TestID
9/5/24 1:33:48 pm 81.79 Mbps 10.22 MB/sPalo Alto 60.8 MB19086159273430 xdmRtxFGH 
9/5/24 1:33:39 pm 42.67 Mbps 5.33 MB/sPalo Alto 57 MB19086159273430 Eu071mbCD 
8/21/24 1:36:44 pm 2.1 Mbps 0.26 MB/sAtt Internet 1.3 MB81820586836879 dLht6lXzI 
8/21/24 1:36:37 pm 30.2 Mbps 3.77 MB/sAtt Internet 25.4 MB81820586836879 784BSMI6e 
8/21/24 1:35:50 pm 2.11 Mbps 0.26 MB/sAtt Internet 1.3 MB81820586836879 yVoj0j2Jm 
8/21/24 1:35:43 pm 28.72 Mbps 3.59 MB/sAtt Internet 59.3 MB81820586836879 gZxkO_zL- 
8/13/24 1:20:01 am 146.91 Mbps 18.36 MB/sCity Of 100 MB460593779351 adJSj385e 
8/13/24 1:19:24 am 419.38 Mbps 52.42 MB/sCity Of 200 MB460593779351 rcERH_fiV 
8/9/24 2:03:00 am 396.96 Mbps 49.62 MB/sCity Of 200 MB35326017071 SpoAo5ULo 
8/7/24 8:02:27 pm 16.81 Mbps 2.1 MB/sAtt Internet 15.1 MB29776533816590 CcOsFjbIm 
8/4/24 4:23:21 pm 24.01 Mbps 3 MB/sCity Of 15.2 MB1762089623896 _vcM9Q277 
8/4/24 4:22:47 pm 196.52 Mbps 24.56 MB/sCity Of 89.2 MB1762089623896 OzTxXgxg0 
8/3/24 9:00:07 pm 1114.45 Mbps 139.31 MB/sAtt Internet 200 MB39600892927203 B3THeP4lU 
7/25/24 5:46:15 am 92.98 Mbps 11.62 MB/sCity Of 86 MB57903254338 OLo7yzmW6 
7/16/24 11:52:48 am 226.54 Mbps 28.32 MB/sCity Of 100 MB35326017071 ivnksv4vz 
7/16/24 11:52:24 am 568.94 Mbps 71.12 MB/sCity Of 200 MB35326017071 MK1ltuH4h 
7/15/24 9:19:13 pm 461.98 Mbps 57.75 MB/sCity Of 200 MB35326017071 t-PbKwUQG 
7/9/24 11:00:04 pm 130.34 Mbps 16.29 MB/sCity Of 100 MB355024695 If0EAeD93 
7/9/24 10:58:37 pm 218.59 Mbps 27.32 MB/sCity Of 200 MB355024695 6B5K8xsT5 
7/9/24 10:57:30 pm 117 Mbps 14.62 MB/sCity Of 103 MB355024695 sWABCeFoQ 
7/9/24 10:55:26 pm 271.15 Mbps 33.89 MB/sCity Of 80.1 MB355024695 G6L2ku3rk 
7/9/24 10:54:38 pm 183.28 Mbps 22.91 MB/sCity Of 100 MB355024695 2s7NNWbSi 
7/9/24 10:54:23 pm 281.23 Mbps 35.15 MB/sCity Of 75.6 MB355024695 tsCuhwlaP 
7/9/24 10:53:47 pm 290.24 Mbps 36.28 MB/sCity Of 75.6 MB355024695 C8VHSIxH2 
6/11/24 3:11:20 pm 120.52 Mbps 15.06 MB/sCity Of 74.6 MB46058575345 wEFqVHmwN 
** Partial Results: The most recent results have been displayed. Results over 50 Mbps are highlighted.
Graphed results calculation
Displaying Internet Speed Test results for City Wyandotte MI