Ghana Speed Test Log













1 to 25 of 45003** for Country Ghana
Speed Provider Size User ConnectID  TestID
12/21/24 2:37:31 pm 8.97 Mbps 1.12 MB/sVodafone 6.2 MB3779162618 GH io4V4MWOq 
12/21/24 2:37:21 pm 10.07 Mbps 1.26 MB/sVodafone 2.5 MB3779162618 GH orGi0oFZY 
12/21/24 8:17:19 am 0.04 Mbps 0.01 MB/sMtn Ghana 358 kB14137237481294 GH QU6bp4Ggw 
12/21/24 2:16:42 am 28.1 Mbps 3.51 MB/sMtn Ghana 18.6 MB14137245737798 GH Mbiaxz1Lx 
12/21/24 2:16:27 am 54.01 Mbps 6.75 MB/sMtn Ghana 24 MB14137245737798 GH vQqDMQoB6 
12/20/24 5:34:31 pm 2.43 Mbps 0.3 MB/sMtn Ghana 2.6 MB14137240051399 GH VTQK0Enwb 
12/20/24 5:33:06 pm 6.6 Mbps 0.83 MB/sMtn Ghana 3.7 MB14137240051399 GH 90OcrZ5Hj 
12/20/24 5:32:51 pm 2.26 Mbps 0.28 MB/sMtn Ghana 1.3 MB14137240051399 GH 0QnLi9sxh 
12/19/24 9:11:29 pm 13.58 Mbps 1.7 MB/sCentral 18.6 MB4147063010116 GH z4-Vp-YUu 
12/19/24 9:08:00 pm 24.78 Mbps 3.1 MB/sMtn Ghana 18.6 MB1413726134666 GH -waxddQXC 
12/19/24 8:58:40 pm 0.25 Mbps 0.03 MB/sCentral 480 kB4147063010116 GH j9yz--xot 
12/19/24 7:44:59 pm 71.15 Mbps 8.89 MB/sMtn Ghana 71.8 MB141371621186 GH ayP3RRvjb 
12/19/24 5:01:50 pm 9.76 Mbps 1.22 MB/sTeledata 6.2 MB3779294764 GH xamosDX0a 
12/19/24 5:01:41 pm 81.71 Mbps 10.21 MB/sTeledata 21.9 MB3779294764 GH rDC0qffM6 
12/19/24 4:30:12 pm 23.93 Mbps 2.99 MB/sBl26 23.5 MB937413057584 GH mdmJCTXyM 
12/19/24 4:29:44 pm 24.12 Mbps 3.01 MB/sBl26 25.7 MB937413057584 GH Z-wdL_hhZ 
12/19/24 2:33:57 pm 0.27 Mbps 0.03 MB/sZain 480 kB377960713103 GH fHE0Qizr5 
12/19/24 10:27:40 am 374.86 Mbps 46.86 MB/sKnust 86.5 MB1184106214373 GH T4ip1e3L5 
12/18/24 9:42:59 pm 0.21 Mbps 0.03 MB/sMtn Ghana 256 kB141372901745 GH ItPrNrywO 
12/18/24 9:42:46 pm 0.48 Mbps 0.06 MB/sMtn Ghana 480 kB141372901745 GH 9QgvFfePr 
12/17/24 9:50:51 pm 9.28 Mbps 1.16 MB/sMtn Ghana 21.2 MB1413723710647 GH Bf1LiF0ce 
12/17/24 2:30:17 pm 0.54 Mbps 0.07 MB/sVodafone 2.2 MB937006353567 GH dIHkNGPIu 
12/16/24 10:19:46 pm 1.34 Mbps 0.17 MB/sTizeti 1.3 MB9374125078937 GH x9wZEVkSt 
12/16/24 10:19:17 pm 13.26 Mbps 1.66 MB/sTizeti 13.4 MB9374125078937 GH 8cOnoBHoc 
12/16/24 12:21:40 pm 0.54 Mbps 0.07 MB/sVodafone 2.2 MB937004610085 GH ZgnRoWY3q 
** Partial Results: The most recent results have been displayed.
Graphed results calculation
Displaying Internet Speed Test results for Country Ghana