Occupied Palestinian Territory Speed Test Log













1 to 25 of 45001** for Country Occupied
Speed Provider Size User ConnectID  TestID
12/19/24 7:30:12 am 86.4 Mbps 10.8 MB/sHadara 70.9 MB347230381 0hzRvPabF 
12/18/24 4:47:54 pm 1.56 Mbps 0.2 MB/sPalestine 1.1 MB1487555251374 PS C11hzpsrh 
12/18/24 4:04:44 pm 181.22 Mbps 22.65 MB/sPalestine 100 MB145021852451 PS S__AQosjf 
12/18/24 4:04:33 pm 268.58 Mbps 33.57 MB/sPalestine 200 MB145021852451 PS Rd9eqNRH_ 
12/18/24 3:36:51 pm 15.22 Mbps 1.9 MB/sBci 14.1 MB17710321419272 PS ZI5lffpm- 
12/18/24 3:20:45 pm 1.1 Mbps 0.14 MB/sPalestine 2.2 MB195893938772 PS gTfC41HeP 
12/18/24 3:18:36 pm 2.29 Mbps 0.29 MB/sPalestine 6.8 MB195893938772 PS D12iSY0vn 
12/18/24 3:17:58 pm 33.59 Mbps 4.2 MB/sMada Al 200 MB49815888055 PS fQexGcTFE 
12/18/24 3:15:19 pm 44.21 Mbps 5.53 MB/sMada Al 58.9 MB49815888055 PS lShkOkSz9 
12/18/24 1:56:00 pm 2.97 Mbps 0.37 MB/sPalestine 2.2 MB17255189194158 PS pOqi85oEu 
12/18/24 1:27:49 pm 2.5 Mbps 0.31 MB/sPalestine 1.5 MB17255189194158 PS kXoplefqY 
12/18/24 12:13:04 pm 197 Mbps 24.63 MB/sPalestine 152 MB714485255775 r1t35YbRl 
12/18/24 12:02:39 pm 2.56 Mbps 0.32 MB/sPalestine 2.5 MB17255189194158 PS DhYMX0wnD 
12/18/24 11:19:54 am 2.83 Mbps 0.35 MB/sMada Al 2.5 MB77254041073 PS 25krRcABM 
12/18/24 4:04:42 am 123.39 Mbps 15.42 MB/sCoolnet New 57.9 MB17261058810568 PS aJEIsQtGP 
12/17/24 9:11:54 pm 0.58 Mbps 0.07 MB/sPalestine 312 kB1377887371495 PS 873m0lCQK 
12/17/24 7:06:09 pm 17.15 Mbps 2.14 MB/sPalestine 13.8 MB542457829041 PS Zgn8d1dUp 
12/17/24 2:40:52 pm 0.95 Mbps 0.12 MB/sPalestine 480 kB4274224541 PS L-pO1PkHt 
12/17/24 2:15:41 pm 1.3 Mbps 0.16 MB/sPalestine 3.3 MB4274224541 PS rxD0HR4dQ 
12/17/24 11:52:42 am 0.76 Mbps 0.1 MB/sPalestine 480 kB4274161082 PS S3MN2LMvA 
12/17/24 11:49:54 am 0.44 Mbps 0.06 MB/sPalestine 480 kB4274161082 PS KWVkTnAGQ 
12/17/24 11:48:54 am 41.74 Mbps 5.22 MB/sPalestine 86.7 MB4274161082 PS 5FtucUksF 
12/17/24 11:31:34 am 33.51 Mbps 4.19 MB/sPalestine 58.1 MB17255187899844 PS CSZCZYXnT 
12/17/24 11:31:10 am 2.9 Mbps 0.36 MB/sPalestine 1.8 MB17255187899844 PS Hsm-rep0Z 
12/17/24 11:05:41 am 1.58 Mbps 0.2 MB/sPalestine 2.3 MB4274161082 PS r6qCOQhqW 
** Partial Results: The most recent results have been displayed.
Graphed results calculation
Displaying Internet Speed Test results for Country Occupied Palestinian Territory