# |
Provider |
1861 |
Weill Cornell Medical College | cornell.edu | 70.7 Mbps |
28 Mbps |
127 |
1862 |
PlusServer GmbH | fraba.com | 37.7 Mbps |
28 Mbps |
103 |
1863 |
Radar Wisp Ltda | com.br | 96.2 Mbps |
28 Mbps |
102 |
1864 |
University of Manitoba | umanitoba.ca | 41.9 Mbps |
28 Mbps |
350 |
1865 |
Sercomtel SA Telecomunicacoes | com.br | 176.7 Mbps |
28 Mbps |
182 |
1866 |
Bidobens Participacoes e | com.br | 27.6 Mbps |
28 Mbps |
675 |
1867 |
Mosaic Telecom | chibardun.net | 49.4 Mbps |
28 Mbps |
1698 |
1868 |
Serwis S.c. | pxs.pl | 54.8 Mbps |
28 Mbps |
230 |
1869 |
M1 CONNECT PTE LTD | com.sg | 40.3 Mbps |
28 Mbps |
237 |
1870 |
PE Pretcher | dp.ua | 85.4 Mbps |
28 Mbps |
3994 |
1871 |
JM-Net, z.s. | jmnet.cz | 57.6 Mbps |
28 Mbps |
1092 |
1872 |
Craze It Solutions Pvt. | torhost.net | 26.5 Mbps |
27.9 Mbps |
525 |
1873 |
PE Gritcun Oleksandr | com.ua | 52.3 Mbps |
27.9 Mbps |
367 |
1874 |
Gvec.net | gvec.net | 66.2 Mbps |
27.9 Mbps |
11264 |
1875 |
Griffin Information Systems | griffin.com | 11.1 Mbps |
27.9 Mbps |
11337 |
1876 |
Nagasaki Cable Media | ne.jp | 10.3 Mbps |
27.9 Mbps |
125 |
1877 |
PRTC | lowcountry.com | 44.5 Mbps |
27.9 Mbps |
258 |
1878 |
Eotvos Lorand University of | elte.hu | 30 Mbps |
27.9 Mbps |
156 |
1879 |
Mercer University | mercer.edu | 35.5 Mbps |
27.9 Mbps |
242 |
1880 |
South Central Rural | scrtc.com | 109.8 Mbps |
27.9 Mbps |
7348 |
1881 |
TYR-VLT | tylervault.com | 39.2 Mbps |
27.8 Mbps |
353 |
1882 |
Shentel Network Sp. z o.o. | shentel.pl | 33.9 Mbps |
27.8 Mbps |
205 |
1883 |
Telecom.ru Ltd | evolife.su | 24.6 Mbps |
27.8 Mbps |
129 |
1884 |
M1 Connect Pte Ltd | com.sg | 60.9 Mbps |
27.8 Mbps |
7737 |
1885 |
Pskovline Ltd. | pskovline.ru | 24.6 Mbps |
27.8 Mbps |
148 |
1886 |
Cloud Host Pte | cloudhost.asia | 24.2 Mbps |
27.7 Mbps |
119 |
1887 |
RelAix Networks GmbH | relaix.net | 36.1 Mbps |
27.7 Mbps |
1278 |
1888 |
Spirit Telecom (Australia) Pty | net.au | 30.2 Mbps |
27.7 Mbps |
6989 |
1889 |
Sky Broadband | sky.com | 124.7 Mbps |
27.7 Mbps |
45051 |
1890 |
Guadalupe Valley Telephone | gvtc.com | 39.2 Mbps |
27.7 Mbps |
45000 |
8689 Total Provider Matches w/ at least 100 results