# |
Provider |
1021 |
Tulare County Office of | tcoe.org | 93.3 Mbps |
17.1 Mbps |
399 |
1022 |
Shyam Spectra Pvt | spectranet.in | 93.3 Mbps |
40.1 Mbps |
27299 |
1023 |
Emerald Broadband, LLC | lanefi.com | 93.3 Mbps |
66.1 Mbps |
168 |
1024 |
Vodafone Libertel B.V. | thenetworkfactory.nl | 93.2 Mbps |
17.3 Mbps |
12424 |
1025 |
AFRIHOST FIBRE | co.za | 93.1 Mbps |
36.9 Mbps |
17435 |
1026 |
MPY Telecom Oyj | mpynet.fi | 93.1 Mbps |
29.4 Mbps |
487 |
1027 |
University of Iowa | uiowa.edu | 93.1 Mbps |
45.3 Mbps |
2522 |
1028 |
All West Communications | allwest.net | 93 Mbps |
20.2 Mbps |
6166 |
1029 |
ITV Media Sp. z o.o. | itvmedia.pl | 93 Mbps |
17.7 Mbps |
348 |
1030 |
KDDI | ne.jp | 92.9 Mbps |
53 Mbps |
265 |
1031 |
SpaceX Starlink | starlinkisp.net | 92.8 Mbps |
5.5 Mbps |
45018 |
1032 |
PR-TELECOM ZRt. | prtelecom.hu | 92.7 Mbps |
10.3 Mbps |
1500 |
1033 |
Armstrong Cable Services | zoominternet.net | 92.4 Mbps |
10.6 Mbps |
44999 |
1034 |
Paul Bunyan Communications | PaulBunyan.net | 92.4 Mbps |
38.6 Mbps |
6401 |
1035 |
Connetical | connetical.it | 92.3 Mbps |
69.1 Mbps |
174 |
1036 |
BT Italia | btitalia.it | 92.3 Mbps |
14.9 Mbps |
298 |
1037 |
Stargroup | pp.ua | 92.2 Mbps |
70.7 Mbps |
118 |
1038 |
Wheaton College | wheaton.edu | 92.1 Mbps |
81.7 Mbps |
623 |
1039 |
Toledo Telephone Co | toledotel.com | 92.1 Mbps |
23.2 Mbps |
815 |
1040 |
Cisco OpenDNS | . | 92 Mbps |
25.2 Mbps |
8930 |
1041 |
Stevens Institute of | stevens-tech.edu | 91.8 Mbps |
53.8 Mbps |
805 |
1042 |
Kyivstar | kyivstar.net | 91.7 Mbps |
56.8 Mbps |
12740 |
1043 |
Israel InterUniversity | ac.il | 91.6 Mbps |
85.5 Mbps |
619 |
1044 |
SeedNet | net.tw | 91.5 Mbps |
29.5 Mbps |
332 |
1045 |
Signet B.V. | signet.nl | 91.4 Mbps |
72 Mbps |
5175 |
1046 |
Queen Mary and Westfield | ac.uk | 91.3 Mbps |
65.3 Mbps |
246 |
1047 |
DQE Communications LLC | gianteagle.com | 91.3 Mbps |
45.2 Mbps |
602 |
1048 |
JMDI Jacek Maleszko | jmdi.pl | 91.2 Mbps |
17.5 Mbps |
2903 |
1049 |
YouSee | webspeed.dk | 91 Mbps |
28.1 Mbps |
6334 |
1050 |
University of Minnesota | umn.edu | 91 Mbps |
57.4 Mbps |
4158 |
8689 Total Provider Matches w/ at least 100 results